Reformation 500 and the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness

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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher
True Biblical Reformation is always an exciting prospect to Christians. In history, Reformation occurred when the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ were rescued from spiritual declension. It reminds us of God’s great providences in the history of His church as He provided for its spiritual growth through the recovery of the Word of God. But are we thinking about the Reformation in the right way?

In attempting to understand the biblical doctrine of justification (see the books of Isaiah, Romans and Galatians), we find that lying underneath and propping up justification by faith alone is the doctrine of imputation. This doctrine is critical in understanding the character of God, the righteousness of God, the work of Christ, covenant theology, justification, and a myriad of other important theological doctrines.

It is essential for the sinner and the Christian to understand how a person is saved, and how they truly come to Christ on the merit of Christ's work.

Take some time to meditate on the importance of the doctrine of imputation, and the active and passive work of Jesus Christ for his people.

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