Travis Fentiman

Puritan Board Sophomore
If you are looking for recommended commentaries on the books of the Bible, there is a page of Recommendations for Bible Commentaries at ReformedBooksOnline.

However, if you desire to take it to the next level, and look into the important commentaries on a book of the Bible from all of Church history, I have created the webpage just for you:

At one time such lists of commentaries would have been of little value to most people, as those commentaries would be very hard to come by. However, since most of them are now online, the Lord has made thine cup to run over (Ps. 23:5).

This page will be especially valuable to those who are preaching week by week.

Search the Scriptures to your heart’s content (Jn. 17:17; Acts 17:11) and bless the Lord!