Puritan Board Professor
The following is a public email sent to every Redeemer NYC member from Tim Keller (I will comment on said email):
So what is being said here is that Redeemer believes that there is an OFFICE of deaconess. Note please that all offices in the Confession and BCO and Scripturally are ordained 'positions'.
So not only are deaconesses described as leaders in the church in this paragraph, but also that deaconesses are on the Diaconate.
Again, women being described as being part of the Diaconate. Interesting that the Diaconate is placed prior to the Session...?
So women who are on the diaconate as deaconesses have to fulfill these Scriptural commands that are set for deacons? Interesting...
This is again very interesting, a woman as the head of the Diaconate (Deacons and Deaconesses).
From: Tim Keller [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 ____ PM
To: (Redeemer's members)
Subject: November is Officer Nomination Month
November 2, 2009
Dear Redeemer Member:
As you probably know, November is Redeemer’s officer nomination month. Once a year members have the privilege and opportunity to recommend other members for the offices of elder, deacon and deaconess.
So what is being said here is that Redeemer believes that there is an OFFICE of deaconess. Note please that all offices in the Confession and BCO and Scripturally are ordained 'positions'.
As we enter an exciting chapter in our ministry in NYC through the RENEW Campaign, there are more opportunities to serve than ever before. Identifying new leaders within our congregation has always been a priority at Redeemer, and we need your help to find members who have the right gifts and experience to serve on the Session and the Diaconate.
So not only are deaconesses described as leaders in the church in this paragraph, but also that deaconesses are on the Diaconate.
There are 49 men and women currently serving on the Diaconate and 20 men serving on the Session as ruling elders. These men and women have been elected by the congregation and have gone through theological and practical training to master the skills and the information necessary for these positions.
Again, women being described as being part of the Diaconate. Interesting that the Diaconate is placed prior to the Session...?
Elders are men who serve on the Session and provide spiritual and administrative leadership to the congregation through oversight of Redeemer ministries, leaders, and members. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
The primary work of the Diaconate is practical deeds of mercy. Deacons and deaconesses (deeks) [sic] minister to those in our church family who find themselves in distress, crisis or emergency situations caused by illness, job loss, long-term unemployment, or other immediate physical, material, spiritual or emotional needs. Deeks also assist elders with membership interviews, and deaconesses provide input and support to elders working on complicated shepherding situations. Acts 6:1-4 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
So women who are on the diaconate as deaconesses have to fulfill these Scriptural commands that are set for deacons? Interesting...
Your faithful giving to the Mercy Fund over the years enables the Diaconate to care for our congregants during this economic recession. In addition to nominating deek candidates, you can help this ministry by encouraging congregants facing hardship to call the Diaconate Helpline – 212-726-1334.
Accepted nominees will begin training in January of 2010. We are looking for men and women who are members of Redeemer and willing to co-labor with us in these ministries. Please read the description and qualifications of the offices of elder, deacon and deaconess on this pdf or online.
Please prayerfully consider your elder, deacon and deaconess nominations and place a nomination form, with your signature, in the offering basket at any service during the month of November or mail/fax to:
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Jenny Chang, Diaconate Director
1359 Broadway, 4th floor
New York, NY 10018
Fax 646-572-0020
You may also submit a nomination online.
May God give you discernment as you consider those who may be qualified to serve in these vital roles.
Dr. Timothy J. Keller
Senior Pastor
This is again very interesting, a woman as the head of the Diaconate (Deacons and Deaconesses).