Question on phrase in the Sum of Saving Knowledge


Puritan Board Sophomore
In the Sum of Saving Knowledge, under Head III, is this statement,

Head III.​

The outward means appointed to make the elect partakers of this covenant, and all the rest that are called, to be inexcusable.

“Many are called.” Matt. 22.14

I. The outward means and ordinances, for making men partakers of the covenant of grace, are so wisely dispensed, as that the elect shall be infallibly converted and saved by them; and the reprobate, among whom they are, not to be justly damned: The means are especially these four:

i. The word of God
ii. The ordinances
iii. Church
iv. Prayer


My question pertains to the bolded section in green. I find the language somewhat confusing. It seems to be saying that the giving of the ordinances is to the effect that the reprobate are not to be "justly damned."

We know the reprobate will be justly damned. I know that James Durham and David Dickson believed that the reprobate will be justly damned. What am I missing here?

It should say "not to be justly stumbled."

Interesting. I wonder when and why it was changed...

"Not to be justly stumbled", to me conveys that their stumbling over Christ in the means of grace is not warranted. Does that make sense in the context? It seems to be a bit clearer use of language.
My guess is it's just a mistake. Not trying to be critical but the versions of the WCF available online often seem to be unreliable. I use them for things like quickly checking what section number a particular topic appears in, but for detailed word study I only feel confident using a proper printed copy.

"Not to be justly stumbled", to me conveys that their stumbling over Christ in the means of grace is not warranted. Does that make sense in the context? It seems to be a bit clearer use of language.

Yes, that makes sense. Something like: God dispenses the means of grace so wisely that the reprobate (there in amongst the elect and using these means) will have no legitimate reason for treating them as a stumbling block to being saved.