Hawthorne was born in Salem and descended from some pretty harsh Puritan ancestors, including one of the witch trials judges. He even changed the spelling of his name to avoid being associated with them. I would think that this probably influenced his unfortunate attitude toward Puritans in his writings.
Man, I didn't know this.
My theory as to why American Puritanism got so messed up is partly (
or mainly) because most New England churches were formed by the Independent minority of English Puritans who came to America to practice their independent philosophy of Church Government more freely.
Even the Great Awaking in early 18th century New England, which I so delight to read and re-read from Edwards' accounts, kinda flopped at its end less than ten years after its commencement. As wonderful as the Awakening was, I am confident that many souls were brought to faith and many (more) sleepy saints brought to new life and vigor, yet much damage was done to the American Church–damage that was a precursor to the absolute mess we are in today. Briefly– the already Independent spirit of even the best churches became more radical. It spawned many troublesome and radical new denominations, sects, and a more independent spirit if you can believe it.
The following citation is by Thomas S. Kidd, professor of history at Baylor University. Dr. Kidd is new to me, so read him with care. However, I agree entirely with the author's opening paragraph.
Jonathan Edwards, the Church, and the Damaging Great Awakening
The Great Awakening of the eighteenth century strengthened American religion, but damaged America’s churches. The revivalists’ critics, and their more cautious supporters, believed that traditional church life was being jeopardized by the converts’ transcendent spiritual experiences and itinerants’ intrusive ramblings. Although Puritans and other fervent Protestants had assigned a prominent role to lay piety, America’s churches—especially those of the New England Congregationalists—gave a quasi-monarchical role to the pastor, whose theological education and formal ordination set him above his fellow believers as pastor and ruler. Revivalists assailed the churches’ stability by trumpeting the individual’s knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit. The lowliest man or woman in whom the Spirit dwelled could apprehend divine truths in a manner that an unconverted pastor could not, whatever that pastor’s knowledge of systematic theology, Greek, or Hebrew.
Note: There is a short section back of vol. 4 of Edwards' works where Edwards looks back over the 10± whirlwind years and sais as much.
Oh, I could continue for pages and pages, but I will stop here, except for an important reminder.
IMPORTANT: I have said this before on the PB, but I think it bears repeating.
I am now speaking to myself and reminding myself that the Church in America is bigger than I often think–a lot bigger!
If you're at all like me, you may find yourself thinking that the Church is comprised of little more than the Reformed. Sound familiar?
Although "some [churches] have so degenerated as to become no churches of Christ, but synagogues of Satan."[1] yet there are many churches and denominations–and their gradation ranges from those we could comfortably pray with to those we could only pray for. Yet are they true churches of the great King and LORD of the Church. As others have said, these churches, although true as to being, are weak to sick as to well-being.
We belong to them–and they belong to us. This is the only way to consider even the unthinkable among the poorest true churches.
1] WCF, Chap. 25, Sect. 5. – Please read the whole of Chapter 25.