Puritan History Literature

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Puritan Board Freshman
Already having Joel Beeke/Mark Jones' A Puritan Theology and soon to get Meet the Puritans, what are some of the best works of historical theology/church history of the Puritans? Also books pertaining to non-conformity after the Puritan "era" would be helpful.
Are you looking for a particular subject or theme? Or just general history or theology?

The bibliographies in the two books you mentioned are probably a great place to start if you want more in-depth studies.
You won't do better than Neal's Puritans.
Neal is pretty expansive over the early to later period of puritanism and full of detail and I'm not sure if overload might not set in trying to read it through as a narrative history. And I recall some warning about either his opinions on this or that or maybe it was the later editor; but again, it's "the" standard work. Modern more narrowed works would be things by such as Patrick Collinson, like his The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. That of course only covers the early puritans but that particular work impacted succeeding studies. As with all 'moderns' one has to beware of liberalism, more so now than maybe in 1967. See Collinson's obit here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ob...ries/8802488/Professor-Patrick-Collinson.html
Already having Joel Beeke/Mark Jones' A Puritan Theology and soon to get Meet the Puritans, what are some of the best works of historical theology/church history of the Puritans? Also books pertaining to non-conformity after the Puritan "era" would be helpful.

Randall Pederson, coauthor of Meet the Puritans, also wrote his PhD dissertation on Puritanism. It is a helpful study about defining what Puritanism actually was, but it is also expensive. You might find a library that has it via interlibrary loan.

Here's an abstract for it. https://brill.com/abstract/title/26382?rskey=dFHZ8r&result=1
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