Psalm Player: All the Psalms in one place

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Puritan Board Freshman
When Christians come together, song is often the result be it in congregational worship of God or in small fellowships. Christianity has a rich heritage of giving the world inspiring hymns. Another perhaps almost forgotten Christian heritage is exclusive psalmody, or the singing only of the psalms without musical accompaniment. Some Christians debate that any other form of worship of God in song is actually unbiblical and disrespectful to God (see references). Whereas other Christians at least prefer to sing the psalms and without instrumentation because singing only the psalms;

1. There is no possibility of incorrect doctrine as might happen with man-made hymns
2. Without instrumentation, the singer can focus solely on the message/lesson of the psalm
3. It is singing God's Word back to Him, what higher form of glory?
4. Being instructed and learning God's Word while singing
5. Maintains the early Reformed/Calvinistic practice

A friend of mine heard that I was an exclusive psalmist and asked if I could point out a place on the Internet where he could listen to psalms in the background as he surfed the net. I looked high and low and found no place except for one where all the psalms were assembled in one place and sung a cappella. The one place is, a great site by Michael Owens who does a fantastic job. But even on the Genevan Psalter, he doesn't have a player to simply automatically play.

Interestingly enough, for hundreds of years psalters were common place in most congregations and was at one time considered the "song book of the Church". (ref)

Well, I have assembled in one place, on an automatic player Mr. Owens' singing along with about 15 other a cappella versions by other singers (for variety) for your enjoyment and edification.


All glory and praise to God!
There's no audio for me---it says Psalm 1 and the equalizer icon is fluttering as if it's playing, but nothing happens. It also doesn't give the percent loaded--what am I doing wrong? :(
Thank you brother. I have to admit, I am not EP, but I am certainly not opposed to it. I guess I just see it as more of a preference issue. Anyway, I will enjoy listening to these Psalms while studying and just relaxing. Thank you for putting the player together.
There's no audio for me---it says Psalm 1 and the equalizer icon is fluttering as if it's playing, but nothing happens. It also doesn't give the percent loaded--what am I doing wrong? :(

What browser are you using IE? Firefox? and the version please. You may not have java enabled.
There's no audio for me---it says Psalm 1 and the equalizer icon is fluttering as if it's playing, but nothing happens. It also doesn't give the percent loaded--what am I doing wrong? :(

What browser are you using IE? Firefox? and the version please. You may not have java enabled.

FF, updated last week, with java enabled. I have no trouble watching video, listening to music, etc. anywhere else on the web.
There's no audio for me---it says Psalm 1 and the equalizer icon is fluttering as if it's playing, but nothing happens. It also doesn't give the percent loaded--what am I doing wrong? :(

Anna, this happened for me too in firefox -- I had to hit the little 'play/pause' button, and then hit it again, and then it actually started playing. Did you try that yet?
Many answers-comments

Since this thread is moderated, I figured I'd help the moderate out and just pool my answers-comments to several posts in this one post.

First thanks to all who are saying they like the player. All glory to God. I intend to have Michael Owens (the main vocalist on most of the psalms on the player), on a podcast interview. Any specific questions people would like me to ask him?

Secondly, thanks to everyone that helped "Scottish Lass" with getting the player to work for her. I didn't know what to tell her. It worked for me when I tested on FF, IE, and Chrome.

Thirdly, you should be able download the mp3's from MP3 Collections and then sync to your IPOD. This won't get the 15 or so special psalms I collected from other places, but will be Michael Owens' version.

Lasty, someone asked about putting this on FB (Face Book). I was looking but don't seem to see a way besides as a link. However, for the more geeky among us, here is the script. Maybe you can figure out a way:

<center><embed wmode="transparent" flashvars="playList=;ShowPlaylist=1&amp;ShowEQ=1&amp;firstTrack=1&amp;initVol=100" quality="high" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" name="index" border="0" height="320" width="425"></embed></center>

<center><embed wmode=\\\"transparent\\\" flashvars=\\\"playList=;ShowPlaylist=1&amp;ShowEQ=1&amp;firstTrack=1&amp;initVol=100\\\" quality=\\\"high\\\" menu=\\\"false\\\" type=\\\"application/x-shockwave-flash\\\" src=\\\"\\\" pluginspage=\\\"\\\" name=\\\"index\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" height=\\\"320\\\" width=\\\"425\\\"></embed></center>

God bless and keep the saints of the Lord!
I think we should get this kind of thing on the airwaves. It would do wonders for the soul of a city.

Say this in your best radio voice:

"This is KPSM 101.3 FM...all psalms...all the time"

I don't know if it is just me, but the "scroll" function for the various Psalms is way too fast. I scroll from Psalm 1 to Psalm 90 in less than a second. It makes it very hard to choose a given Psalm. Is there an adjustment that can be made?
I'll look into an adjustment. Thanks for pointing that out. There is a advance or go back one at a time feature (sort of looks like ||> ) so if you get close to the psalm you want, try that.
Michael Owens Interview

As I said, I finally interviewed Michael Owens, the gentleman that sings most of the psalms on the psalm player. The discussion touches on the Regulative Principle, Exclusive Psalmody, and general need for singing. You can find that interview by doing the following:

Please listen to and share the podcast via your Ipod. Download it by right clicking the following link and choosing SAVEAS:

Or listen to it streamed here on the Kingdom Commentaries podcast (good for slow connections)

Kingdom Commentaries | The Kingdom Come

I don't know if it is just me, but the "scroll" function for the various Psalms is way too fast. I scroll from Psalm 1 to Psalm 90 in less than a second. It makes it very hard to choose a given Psalm. Is there an adjustment that can be made?

Pastor Greco,
Thanks for urging me to fix the scroll speed. I added a more customized player at the same link: Psalm Singing: Exclusive Psalmody Psalm Player | The Kingdom Come

The scroll button may be difficult to see at first, it will be the little white square at the right hand side of the player. Click and hold down as you scroll down. I hope this helps fix this and other issues people had viewing the player.

For those who would like to use this player on their site, input this code in your HTML wherever you'd like on your site:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="300" height="100">
    <param name="movie" value="" />
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#998c00" />
    <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=&amp;width=300&amp;playlistrss=;showvolume=1&amp;showinfo=1&amp;loadingcolor=ffffd6&amp;bgcolor=998c00&amp;bgcolor1=614800&amp;bgcolor2=ffffb3&amp;slidercolor1=ff9105&amp;slidercolor2=940800&amp;buttoncolor=ffcf5c" />
Is there any other site that has psalms to download? I like Owens' site but would like a little variety too.
Is there any other site that has psalms to download? I like Owens' site but would like a little variety too.

In my research for building the psalm player, I never found a site that had all 150 in one place except on Mike Owens site. However, I know there are placed you can buy CDs with all of the psalms. Anyone else have ideas?
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