Sam Jer

Puritan Board Sophomore
Hello, greetings in Christ. I have a few questions, occasioned by very diffrent attitudes to this matter on diffrent sides of the north atlantic, and diffrenrt Scotland-based synods.

What precisely is the constitution of a Presbyterian Church? What constitutes a constitutional change and when is a change good cause for the minority to depart?
When is it warranted for two kirks with diffrences in the constitution to join together? I often hear it said, especially by Scots, that it is when there would be no just cause for seperation. What happens then to the constitutions? Whether it is a minor diffrence (say a procedure that is implicit in one constitution and explicit in another) or a major one (i.e one church has a confessional document the other one dosen't, but both agree doctrinally despite that).

How important is the constitutional succession? Is it like necessary to be in the kirk that has it? If someone converts, or moves to Scotland or the US, and joins the wrong church, is he in sin (assuming pure motivations)? Does a schismatic church stay schismatic no matter how long has passed since and regardless of other factors?

In other words, how does this all work?

I ask that you all:
1. Use scripture
2. Refrain from answering if you do not believe in Presbyterian Government by divine right
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