Presbyterian denominations in North America

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Puritan Board Junior
I have compiled a timeline chart of presbyterian denominations. Am posting this here, welcoming any notification of errors or omissions

Should say, am trying to post this here, but cannot figure out how to attach an Excel file...
I knew what I was looking at and still had a bit of trouble matching the lines to the labels. Perhaps some color coding our using different borders for each group for the cells would help.
Burchers should be Burghers, unless that's a Scottish variation I'm unfamiliar with.

Found this online also for Upper Cumberland

1953 Ten presbyteries memorialized for GA about affiliation with NCC; it was requested of GA that they disapprove of the RSV and affiliation of CP Boards with Boards of the NCC; Fellowship of Cumberland Presbyterian Conservatives, a group of CP's reacting against the modernist movement, formed a conference and planned a second one in Memphis. General Assembly declared these actions unconstitutional and some left the denomination and formed the Upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Gallitan (near Carthage, TN).
that list that was on tateville I think that told almost everything about every reformed presbyterian denomination I cannot find it anymore.
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