Poll: Old Nazi war crimes

Should a Nazi war criminal of >95 years of age, stand trial?

  • Yes - always

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • Depends on his physical and mental condition

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • No - happened too long ago

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • No - I am a Holocaust denialist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Puritan Board Sophomore
This question came up recently in conversation. Would love to hear your opinion.
Guilt is guilt. I am against Statutes of Limitations for most crimes except traffic violations. We owe it to victims of any violent crime to chase the guilty even to the grave.

I support public executions for 99 year old grannies if they are shown to have committed murder or treason in their past.
Michael Oh went after the Japanese war criminals in a sermon at the PCA's global missions conference last fall.
If the person is competent then yes. A drooling bag of senility isn't tried in any just sense. I think the poll question is loaded. A trial is to determine if he is war criminal not to sentence one a priori. If Perg's granny has her wits about her then she can stand trial. If convicted she then should be sentenced.
I said no, only because I do not know specific details. My thinking was, just because one was a Nazi does not automatically make him a war criminal. If he actually partook or ordered atrocities then yes of course get him.
The way the question is framed,'nazi war criminal', leaves me no alternative but a yes vote. Whether anyone/everyone who served in the German army during WWII is a war criminal is another question. Probably not, but those who committed atrocities ..... war criminals .... should be prosecuted.
If we aren't going to prosecute the Nazi space scientists in Operation Paperclip, then it is awfully hypocritical to try to place the 108 year old dementia guy in prison for being a guard at a Nazi munitions plant.
This question came up recently in conversation. Would love to hear your opinion.

My opinion is that anyone who would ask that particular question has an agenda. Why not include American war criminals? Soviet? Japanese? British? Israeli? Zimbabwean? Pick a Country?
If we aren't going to prosecute the Nazi space scientists in Operation Paperclip

Actually, NASA has had a comparatively poor record since the US persecuted Arthur Rudolph. (Cleared by German anti-Nazi prosecutors who examined the evidence).

Anyone surprised by the FBI-DOJ coup attempt probably never paid much attention to how the DOJ's "Office of Special Investigations" ran its operations - and would be likely to ask the kind of question at the top of this thread.
Guilt is guilt. I am against Statutes of Limitations for most crimes except traffic violations. We owe it to victims of any violent crime to chase the guilty even to the grave.

I support public executions for 99 year old grannies if they are shown to have committed murder or treason in their past.

You must have a lot of traffic tickets piled up, Pergy! LOL
Anyone surprised by the FBI-DOJ coup attempt probably never paid much attention to how the DOJ's "Office of Special Investigations" ran its operations - and would be likely to ask the kind of question at the top of this thread.

Though, of course, the party asking the question at the top of this thread, as a non-American, would be excused for not being familiar with the underbelly of the American government.
Operation Paperclip allowed immunity for service in combating the Communist Bloc. If old Nazi guards can prove a similar service in combating the Soviets, then their sentences also should be lessened.

I also support the prosecution of the vast hordes of lawless Soviet troops who pillaged Germany, and I regret the US ever helped the USSR at all, for Hitler killed his millions but Stalin his tens of millions.
Yes. If they are guilty of atrocities, there should be no statute of limitations. What the war criminals did during the holocaust was atrocious. It would be unfair to let these criminals slide.

I never understood the whole holocaust denial bit.
I never understood the whole holocaust denial bit.

I've never run across a real neo-Nazi that was a holocaust denier.

If they are guilty of atrocities, there should be no statute of limitations. What the war criminals did during the holocaust was atrocious. It would be unfair to let these criminals slide.

No, and yes. Charge the criminals with the real crimes they committed (if you can come up with real evidence) - no statute of limitations on murder, for example. But I reject making up ex post facto crimes for 'victor's justice' trials.
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