Pilgrim's Progress Rock Opera


Puritan Board Freshman
Has anyone listened to this? Any thoughts? It's a two-part album based on Pilgrim's Progress. I have been enjoying it thoroughly though I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned very much. It's not on Spotify last I checked so you essentially have to buy it from Neal Morse's site:

It's by the Neal Morse Band which includes Mike Portnoy (drummer from Dream Theater).
Has anyone listened to this? Any thoughts? It's a two-part album based on Pilgrim's Progress. I have been enjoying it thoroughly though I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned very much. It's not on Spotify last I checked so you essentially have to buy it from Neal Morse's site:

It's by the Neal Morse Band which includes Mike Portnoy (drummer from Dream Theater).
Just listened to a bit of it. Not bad. Appeals to my metal tastes.
I absolutely love both projects! I was able to see them play the entire Great Adventure release live; easily in the top 3 of my favorite concerts attended (the other two being Kansas and Steven Wilson). Neal is probably my favorite music artist right now. He and Portnoy also collaborate with two other "supergroups": Flying Colors and Transatlantic. All highly recommended, especially if one appreciates prog rock at all.
Wow, I never heard of them, but am super impressed. I am a Rush fan and guitar player, so I really appreciate good musicianship. They are super talented. This song starting around 3:30 displays incredible talent. Wow.
