Physical Appearance vs Vanity

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Puritan Board Sophomore
I got to thinking about the emphasis that people will place on the way they look. Whether it be things like makeup or exercising to be physically beautiful, etc.

Looking in the mirror for extended periods of time, always wanting to look our best, smell great and dress nicely.

Just curious on your thoughts. I don't know that God is too concerned about these things as we are.

When does getting all gussied up become a real heart issue?

Just started getting serious about working out and noticed how I started to really enjoy it and after some introspection realized that it might be because I'm starting to look "better". According to who's definition? The world's? I don't wanna be the type of guy that's just doing this, not out of good health but, for the extra eyes and attention on me.

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I got to thinking about the emphasis that people will place on the way they look. Whether it be things like makeup or exercising to be physically beautiful, etc.

Looking in the mirror for extended periods of time, always wanting to look our best, smell great and dress nicely.

Just curious on your thoughts. I don't know that God is too concerned about these things as we are.

When does getting all gussied up become a real heart issue?

Just started getting serious about working out and noticed how I started to really enjoy it and after some introspection realized that it might be because I'm starting to look "better". According to who's definition? The world's? I don't wanna be the type of guy that's just doing this, not out of good health but, for the extra eyes and attention on me.

a rather convicting question.
At the heart of it though, I think a strong and healthy body would be a beautiful body. Evidently, there is exercise for a reason.I
Using only body weight exercises I find I am quite strong and proportionate and aside from losing a couple pounds I am happy and healthy too. Nothing to build on a lot, nor a massive amount to lose.
Am I vain? I hope not. I really don't want to spend hours on a treadmill either.
As men we should want to be strong in order to be good stewards of our bodies, protectors of wife and children, protectors of others in need, and to be able to work to the best of our ability.

We should prayerfully consider these things whenever we pick up a piece of iron.

Myself included.
I think a strong and healthy body would be a beautiful body.

I definitely agree. Being strong and healthy is being a good steward of our bodies. And it shows in the way our bodies end up becoming shaped. That's one part of the puzzle that's easier to comprehend.

There's the other part like the makeup aspect and the dressing nice, and worrying about our hair. I mean even the Scripture will flat out say not to be concerned with these things that are for outward appearance.

Perhaps the idea is that we should take care of ourselves and our bodies as much as we can. And obviously dress according to what is modest, following dress codes in our jobs, etc.
But making sure never to "put on a show" for others. They should see our godliness above all else.
I do strength training so that my body doesn't decay when I get older. I also do it because it gives me energy so that I don't commit the sin of sloth.
When I was young, I looked like Daniel Ortega. Recently my dentist said I looked like Joe Stalin. So I don't need to work on my appearance.
Looking good is part of "love thy neighbor as thyself." If I may modestly say, especially in regards to one's spouse.

There's no love in being content as an eyesore.
What brings glory to God? Taking care of one's self is not wrong until it becomes a source of sinful pride. Taking into account the various body types, I would think someone would want to be presentable (neat and clean) to put forth the best reflection of God's glory as possible.
I have struggled with this issue in the past. I used to wear a nice suit to church every Sunday, but I soon noticed that I started to care too much about the suit and my looks than I should have.

There are extremes on both ends of the spectrum, I used to go to church with an older woman that had such strong BO that it was actually distracting from the service. It wasn't that she was so old that she couldn't bathe, she simply didn't care.
The first thing that came to my mind, reading the OP, Peter's admonition to wives in 1Peter 3:3, 3:4. Assuming the same caution against outward adorning would apply to men as well as women. Of course that doesn't mean to allow oneself to become slovenly either.

As for exercise ... I do aerobic and anaerobic exercise for maintaining my 71 year old body and mind.
I have struggled with this issue in the past. I used to wear a nice suit to church every Sunday, but I soon noticed that I started to care too much about the suit and my looks than I should have.

I understand. Being a young and single man it's easy for me to fall into that kind of thing when looking to impress women, haha.

In fact, I remember only buying really expensive clothing and justifying it as "higher quality = longer lasting". Not only was it a poor use of the finances God gave me, it was just a way to get a person's eyes on me. Not good.

We need to constantly be reminding ourselves of the truth of the Word and keep desire and pride away.
I do strength training so that my body doesn't decay when I get older. I also do it because it gives me energy so that I don't commit the sin of sloth.

Good thing, and, as an older guy whose body is starting to rebel, highly recommended! I'm glad I did all that training in my youth.

Not bulking up weight-lifting, but strength maintenance.
Quality and grooming can take you a long way. Many southerners here in the US manage to hit a happy medium in this regard. (Which comes to mind when I throw an elastic in my hair and pull on ratty jeans as I head over to a hardware store :o )
Here are some tips/observations about "lifting weights."

1) Don't say "I don't want to look like Arnold." You won't. He had perfect genetics plus "outside help." And his workout regimen could kill lesser specimens.

2) Don't simply settle for "getting tone." There is no such thing. A toned muscle is hard muscle tissue which is a result of caloric depletion plus extreme hypertrophy. You get that by resistance.

3) Focus on the major muscle groups for most results.
I understand. Being a young and single man it's easy for me to fall into that kind of thing when looking to impress women, haha.

In fact, I remember only buying really expensive clothing and justifying it as "higher quality = longer lasting". Not only was it a poor use of the finances God gave me, it was just a way to get a person's eyes on me. Not good.

We need to constantly be reminding ourselves of the truth of the Word and keep desire and pride away.

I was an independent Fundamental Baptist at the time... You can imagine how that crowd is when it comes to church clothes and Bibles.
I was an independent Fundamental Baptist at the time... You can imagine how that crowd is when it comes to church clothes and Bibles.
Can't figure the independent fundamentalists out...women with hair in bun and hem at ankles, while men wear ugly suits with uglier ties.
An old preacher once said in regard to those who think women shouldn't wear makeup: "even my old barn needs a fresh coat of paint from time to time!"
It is perfectly fine to look good and dress nicely and have nice things, as long as those things don't become idols. And it is perfectly acceptable to exert yourself to look good for the sake of catching a mate, as long as it's kept within bounds. What is not good is when these things take you away from your other duties. There are many who are late to church because they spent too much time primping. More of these that I know of are men, not ladies, either. I knew one guy who kept coming up short on his college loan payments because he HAD to have the right color of shoes! It's where your priorities are that matters.
I confess that I set the bar pretty low when it comes to grooming, but I always keep a minimum standard, especially in church, and I try to keep somewhat tidy when in public with my wife, so she's not embarrassed at being seen with an evident hobo, which is my natural look.
If you want my number one tip for loving your neighbor who has to look at you: never, ever, appear in public wearing sweatpants. I don't care if they have pockets and tapered legs and are meant to be worn outdoors: when I am assaulted by the sight of someone in sweatpants (or sweatshorts), I am insulted, offended, affronted, and aggrieved.
never, ever, appear in public wearing sweatpants. I don't care if they have pockets and tapered legs and are meant to be worn outdoors: when I am assaulted by the sight of someone in sweatpants (or sweatshorts), I am insulted, offended, affronted, and aggrieved.
No worries
The sight of me in my sweats would only make you outraged, mortified, distressed and disgusted. :D
I do honestly believe there is a biblical warrant for wearing 'church clothes'. I would never wear something like a tuxedo to church, but I do believe loving and honoring our fellow brethren would include dressing in nice clothes. I also view it as going to church is not only communing with your fellow believers, but coming into the presence of Almighty God. Does God hear my prayers in sweatpants and stained t-shirts? Yes, of course. But if I have a choice between looking like I just crawled out of bed or looking clean and nice at church, I'd choose the latter.

Also consider that some (myself included) are more comfortable in nicer clothes without it being vain. I'm honestly more comfortable in khakis/dress trousers than jeans or sweats. All of this is said with the note that of course your image of yourself can easily become an idol, and to check yourself. But simply dressing nice is not vain. Jonathan I'm sure it's been mentioned before but you really seem to me like a young man who is a prime place for an older mentor. I understand that your current church might be not the prime place for that, but perhaps a man from a nearby confessional church would be willing to meet with you regularly. It seems like every Reformed person I've met has been hospitable.
My temptation is in the opposite direction. I am so laid back I am tempted to go slob. I'm trying to be a country gentleman (even though I live in the suburbs) and dress accordingly.

If you want to change your appearance in a non-vain way, do kettlebell training. If you do it properly, it will pull your shoulders back and you will walk in a natural contrapasso position.
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