Puritan Board Freshman
I was hoping someone could explain how PCA BCO 24-5 (procedure for election of elders and deacons) plays out in real time if there is a large minority of voters averse to a particular candidate. This section of the BCO seems to leave much up to interpretation, and I have the following questions.
1. How is "large minority" defined?
2. How does the moderator identify who in the congregation is a averse to the candidate, and then determine if they are willing to change their vote to align with the majority (e.g., show of hands, another unanimous vote, etc.)?
3. Is this attempt to induce those voters who are averse required if a lager minority exists in the vote? The term "shall" seems to indicate it is (see BCO 24-5 below).
Any help navigating this section is greatly appreciated!!!
1. How is "large minority" defined?
2. How does the moderator identify who in the congregation is a averse to the candidate, and then determine if they are willing to change their vote to align with the majority (e.g., show of hands, another unanimous vote, etc.)?
3. Is this attempt to induce those voters who are averse required if a lager minority exists in the vote? The term "shall" seems to indicate it is (see BCO 24-5 below).
24-5. On the election of a ruling elder or deacon, if it appears that a large minority of the voters are averse to a candidate, and cannot be induced to concur in the choice, the moderator shall endeavor to dissuade the majority from prosecuting it further; but if the electors are nearly or quite unanimous, or if the majority insist upon their right to choose their officers, the election shall stand.
Any help navigating this section is greatly appreciated!!!