PB has some new administrators


Staff member
All, @Jeri Tanner and @Stephen L Smith have agreed to be upgraded from board moderators to board administrators. For the purposes of this board the difference in the two positions is that basically admins can edit user accounts and handle applications for membership, which, since ya'll are so well behaved, :think: is where most of the work is and where we need more hands. So there is no need for new moderators to replace their positions. They should be a big help to the board continuing to run smoothly in that regard. Nothing much changes otherwise. Welcome to the job Jeri and Stephen.
@GrantJones This is funny to me.
He who is not able to pray ought to become either a sailor or a married man. Faith will then be revived.
- Wilhelmmus A’ Brakel, TCRS Vol. 3, pg. 441

Grant, I have done both and only been good at one of them. I loved being a Sailor. LOL

Thanks Jeri and Stephen for all the hard work and hours. Be Very Encouraged!!!!
Out of curiosity, do administrative duties supplant moderatorial duties altogether, or are they a mere add-on? In other words,, would a Venn diagram show two overlapping circles or two completely non-overlapping ones?
Out of curiosity, do administrative duties supplant moderatorial duties altogether, or are they a mere add-on? In other words,, would a Venn diagram show two overlapping circles or two completely non-overlapping ones?
Admins are super moderators in just having access to approve applicants. It's just a progression in access.
Out of curiosity, do administrative duties supplant moderatorial duties altogether, or are they a mere add-on? In other words,, would a Venn diagram show two overlapping circles or two completely non-overlapping ones?
They learn a special handshake and gain access to the secret chambers underneath every OPC church.
Couldn't have happened to any better victims, I mean SUPER people!
I did wonder where the 'super' came from. You did say if I quoted Vos a lot on the PB you would 'credit' extra sanctification to my account. I have been diligent in quoting Vos over the last few years. Is this the explanation? :D