Participation in the Lord’s Supper


Puritan Board Freshman
For those of you who argue that wine exclusively should be used in the Lord’s Supper, if you were a member of a church that uses grape juice would it be okay to participate in the sacrament? Or would abstaining be the only appropriate option?
Wine and Grape Juice are the same except for Alcohol. I don't see a problem because there are a lot of people that go to church for years and they are recovering Alcoholics you just can't force Wine on them it would be ok. I think this is more the thing to worry about 1 Corinthians 11
27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.
For those of you who argue that wine exclusively should be used in the Lord’s Supper, if you were a member of a church that uses grape juice would it be okay to participate in the sacrament? Or would abstaining be the only appropriate option?
Hey, brother. I wouldn't join a church that uses juice. I couldn't take it in good conscience, and I can't imagine a church that would allow people to join who can't participate.

But you ask what I would do if I were a member--I'd find a different church. If necessary, I'd move.

Others may have a different opinion, but that's where my conscience is. The Scriptures enjoin me to drink wine at the Supper--I'm not going to drink something else instead.
there are a lot of people that go to church for years and they are recovering Alcoholics you just can't force Wine on them it would be ok.
Is this a biblical way to speak of and view sin or is this the world's way, i.e. "Alcoholics Anonymous"?
I think this is about where I usually derail the thread and get flamed by mentioning non-alcoholic wine. And then someone will ignorantly say that non-alcoholic wine is just grape juice (it isn't). And then someone will say it's the alcohol that's the key to a true Lord's Supper.

Been here, done these threads before. New to this one, a link to a discussion about how non-alcoholic wine is made.

Hey, brother. I wouldn't join a church that uses juice. I couldn't take it in good conscience, and I can't imagine a church that would allow people to join who can't participate.

But you ask what I would do if I were a member--I'd find a different church. If necessary, I'd move.

Others may have a different opinion, but that's where my conscience is. The Scriptures enjoin me to drink wine at the Supper--I'm not going to drink something else instead.
I’m a member of the RPCNA and my church uses grape juice. I’ve always been convinced of wine being used exclusively, but it’s only been until recently that I’ve been wrestling with whether or not to partake. Leaving the church wouldn’t be a wise option for me and my family since the RP is the most conservative and biblical that’s relatively close (we’re about an hour away from our RP church.)
Side note: Most people tend to forget that the wine we have today is far different than the wine Christ drank. From what I’ve read, the components of modern wine are far higher in alcohol content, as well as added sugars. Wine back then was either boiled or mixed, diluting the alcohol content, and was more natural.
This thread has some and will have church leaders participating.
Would any deny membership to those who do not want wine, which your church only uses for the LS?
As soon as someone can identify for me the degree to which the “wine” Jesus used had fermented, I’ll start making it a term for communion.
I prefer wine. But the Scriptures don't say He took the wine. He took the cup. He said "This cup is that new Testament in my blood, which is shed for you," not "This wine..." I believe the use of a common cup is more important than what's in it. Consider how many times "this cup" is mentioned in the New Testament compared to "wine" or "the fruit of the vine." The cup is a rich treasure many are neglecting. Much is lost in using individual disposable thimble-sized shot glasses instead of shared cups.
there are a lot of people that go to church for years and they are recovering Alcoholics you just can't force Wine on them
Should we withhold the bread from recovering gluttons?

Did Paul tell the Corinthians to stop using wine since some of them were getting drunk when coming to the Lord's Table in I Cor.11?

Is part of the Lord's Supper not a celebration of the grace of God conquering our sins?