Pamphlet for Charismatics?

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Dearly Bought

Puritan Board Junior
I'm looking for some sort of small pamphlet(s) that generally addresses issues such as the following:
  • continuing revelation (prophecy, divine guidance, etc.)
  • apostolic sign-gifts (tongues, "signs and wonders")
  • popular charismatic teachers
I have found myself running into a number of enthusiasts ("charismatics") in the past month and I would like to have something to give them to read. We're talking both the extreme "I've been to heaven multiple times" sort and the regular "God told me so in my quiet time" people.

I like O. Palmer Robertson's The Final Word, but it's a little larger and more expensive than would really be feasible for me to have a stack on hand. Same thing with Chantry's Signs of the Apostles. Sorry to any Grudem fans, but I'm looking for cessationist materials, obviously.

Any suggestions?
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