Opinions of New Children's Bible

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We have it and I like it. The illustrations are well done, on color, glossy pages; sturdy hardback cover. The text is a paraphrase/summary, but rather good from what I can tell. There's a lot of text on individual pages so we haven't been able to use it much with our children (3 and under), but I think we'll be able to soon. I recommend it highly.
I think it's funny that it says it contains no pictures of Jesus. Well, of course not. There's no such thing. I'm such a stickler for precision. "There are no images herein intended to be of the Triune God" would be better. :) Nonetheless, good for them for not caving to idolatry in that regard. I suppose a children's book with no embellished bible stories is good, but certainly should not be a replacement of scripture reading and good instruction from mum and dad.

You? No way! ;)
There's a lot of text on individual pages so we haven't been able to use it much with our children (3 and under), but I think we'll be able to soon. I recommend it highly.

I agree. My two-almost-three year old doesn't quite have the attention span for this bible, though I have been impressed by it so far. The closes thing it comes to an image is a silhouette of the cross from a distance for its crucifixion scene. Very tastefully and biblically done, in my opinion.

I would recommend this for the 3-6 year age. Because the text is short paraphrases of scripture, I'd recommend a move to the full text --and away from this format-- as soon as the child is able.
Thanks everyone for your input so far. Does anyone have any recommendations for children under 3 years old? Should a parent just be reading from a normal bible for babies or is it better for really young ones to have the scriptures in a simpler format than an "adult" bible?
Thanks everyone for your input so far. Does anyone have any recommendations for children under 3 years old? Should a parent just be reading from a normal bible for babies or is it better for really young ones to have the scriptures in a simpler format than an "adult" bible?

We have always used our "regular" bible which is a NASB. I would consider if my "regular" was a KJV, using a NASB or ESV when reading with the kids.
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