Old Testament believers have circumcised heart? Is circumcision of the heart New covenant sign?


Puritan Board Freshman
Did Old Testament believers have a circumcised heart? I have heard Baptist say that a circumcised heart/ regeneration is the new covenant sign, not baptism. If this is true is that saying no one else in the old covenant had a circumcised heart?

I read this which seems to say no one in the Old Testament had a circumcised heart…

“What is in view is spiritual circumcision, a circumcision of the heart that the OT promised (Lev 26:41–42; Deut 10:16; 30:6; Jer 4:4; Ezek 44:7; Rom 2:28–29; Phil 3:3). Here the contrast between the physical and spiritual needs to be drawn out. God gave physical circumcision to the seed of Abraham as a sign and seal of his covenant with Abraham. It did not equate with spiritual circumcision. Rather, God calls the physically circumcised to circumcise their hearts in Deut 10:16 and later promises to do the job himself (Deut 30:6). In context, this is a promise of grace for after their return from exile (see Deut 30:1–5).47 The Deuteronomic history plays out the failure of Israel to circumcise their hearts, and it is the Deuteronomic prophet Jeremiah who promises that it will ultimately come with the New Covenant (Jer 31:31–34).48 Thus, the circumcision without hands is the new covenant fulfillment of an old covenant promise. Physical circumcision is a type that anticipates the circumcision of the heart.”

Can anyone explain why they think baptism is not the New Testament sign of the covenant like circumcision was in the old? Also if anyone does believe baptism is the new covenant sign can you please explain where the Bible says this. Thank you!
Isn't it obvious that internal/heart circumcision is the spiritual reality the external ritual is meant to symbolize? Why wouldn't they realize this in the OT? Doesn't the fact Moses preaches thus bear witness to the way those ancients understood matters? Do we have the same religion as those people, or not? (accidentals notwithstanding)
Where did you read this?
It is not just an OT promise, it's firstly an OT command. It would be falling into a dispensationalist error to believe that this is something reserved only for after the cross. Strong covenantal theology rectifies this misunderstanding.
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This is a fantastic book (written by my own Minister) that traces the reality of the circumcision of the heart (regeneration) throughout all of Scripture, including the OT. I'd highly recommend reading it: https://reformedforum.org/product/regeneration-and-redemptive-history/

As our other brothers said above, there is simply no salvation apart from the circumcision of the heart by God's Spirit. This circumcision has taken place in the heart of every believer who has ever lived, OT and NT alike.

"And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."- Ezekiel 36:26.

This was not merely a forward-looking promise to NT Saints, but a promise to all believers of all times.