In 1978 the PCA adopted a study on diaconal ministry:
PCA Position Papers: Report of the Sub-Committee on Diaconal Ministries (1978)
But I'm reading tonight that it was a 1977 overture from Western Carolina Presbytery that prompted that study. The wording of the overture is interesting, especially in the second "Whereas", which now has me looking for further commentary on this idea that the offices of elder and deacon are derivative of and mirror the two aspects of Christ's ministry. I think this speaks to the OP's points.
Whereas, being sufficiently encouraged by the testimony of Scripture in Acts 6:1-6; I Timothy 3:8, 10, 12, etc., that the office and work of the Christian Deacon serves to enhance the ministry of mercy in the public and private ministries and activities of the visible church of Christ;
Whereas, having been impressed with
the dual nature of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, as He preached the Gospel and went about doing good; [emphasis added]
Whereas, being aware that due to the unwillingness of the flesh, the torpor of the spirit, our own doing good to our neighbor needs constant replenishment in grace, and that our denominational office of Deacon is, for the most part, in a low ebb of fruitfulness for our Lord.
Therefore, we do hereby petition this Fifth General Assembly to erect a Committee on Deacons and Their Ministries, as follows:
1. To make a renewed study of the Biblical office of the Deacon.
2. To exhort more prayerful and careful diligence in the election and ordination of qualified deacons by the congregations, and
3. To provide for the denomination-wide education and fellowship of our deacons, and
4. To initiate a series of regional meetings on an annual basis, in order to provide the deacons and pastors who attend with a review of the charge held by our deacons, and the opportunities in the church, the community, and the world, for the extending of the compassion of Christ through His Church, her deacons, and the ministries of those, His deacons.
5. This committee on Deacons and their Ministries shall report to the next General Assembly, togeteher with any recommendations that may seem appropriate.
-----end of overture 6, Minutes of the 5th PCA GA, p. 31-32.----
As I said above, the report was then brought in 1978 and that report is online at
PCA Position Papers: Report of the Sub-Committee on Diaconal Ministries (1978)
A range of other articles on the office of deacon can be found listed at
PCA Historical Center: Resources - A Topical Guide to the Colllections and Holdings of the Center