New Reformed Forum Class: Van Til's Trinitarian Theology


Puritan Board Post-Graduate
I realized today that I completely forgot to post about this here when the class came out on March 9...

Reformed Forum, a leading organization for the advancement of a distinctly Christian worldview in America, have launched a new course on Cornelius Van Til's Trinitarian Theology with Dr. Lane Tipton, an authority on Van Til and his theology. Register for free at​
Cornelius Van Til was a major Reformed philosopher and theologian teaching at Princeton Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary in the early- to mid-twentieth century. He was the father of what is today called presuppositional apologetics. This course dives further into the Christian theistic thought that undergirds this robust system. The best thing about it: it's free! As someone who has benefitted greatly from the ministry of Reformed Forum, I would encourage all of you to take part in this.​
