New Pastor help

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hey everyone,

Can you give me recommendations on what a new pastor should read in terms of the the duties and office of the pastor. I would like some newer and older publications.

Reformed Pastor- Richard Baxter
Work of a Pastor- William Still
The Shepherd Leader- Timothy Witmer
The Trellis and the Vine- Colin Marshall and Tony Payne

And of course, the Pastoral Epistles 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus.

If you can get a good grasp of the epistles, then you should be doing fine.
Well when I started on the enquiry for the church of Scotland ministry one of the recommended books is Ministry in Three Dimensions: A Theological Foundation for Local Church Leadership by Steven Croft. It actually is quite a nice read and quite scriptural and really made me think about my different roles if I were to be ordained. It was written by an evangelical not a liberal in case your worried about that.
"Why Johnie Can't Preach" is a must read. I would also suggest Tim Keller's "Ministries Of Mercy: The Call Of The Jericho Road." Susan Hunt's stuff o women's ministry is also a must read.
Andrew: Dude, women are recipients of pastoral care, too.

If I may be so blunt: there's a whole lot more to pastoring people than will be covered by the puritans' books. In my opinion, after about 10 years of ordained ministry, & several years before that in unordained service & seminary, I have come to the iron-clad conviction that two of the greatest weaknesses of our Reformed world are addressed by Dr. Keller & Mrs Hunt. Namely, the vitally important roles of the deaconate & women's ministry in the local parish.

In our (P&R) system, deacons are, for the most part, sitting around wondering what the heck they're supposed to do. And women's ministries are in too many cases gossip clubs, continual drippings to the elders, or well-intended but ineffectual.

In the face of this, the minister has a vital role in equipping those saints for their work of ministry. Women's ministry, as Mrs. Hunt describes it so well, is the vital "ezer kenegdo" to the Kingdom work of the deaconate. The paracletic work of a well-run women's ministry, paired to the life-transforming works of "mercy, piety, & necessity" of a healthy deaconate, will make the difference between Reformed & Presbyterian churches being "holy huddles" or self-righteous theology clubs on the one hand, and fountainheads of a Third Great Awakening on the other.

Rev'd Olive,

1) I am not a 'dude'.

2) Women's ministries are not the center and life of the Church, nor are diaconal ministries (of which Tim Keller is helpful but not the greatest authority, no more comment on this). However, those which are are the means of grace (Word, Sacraments, Prayer). These lived out will touch areas of women and physical needs and equip for such work towards them. That needs to be the focus of any one entering the Pastorate. Besides, I believe the puritans give adaquate attention to women and diaconal ministry.
Moderator Warning: Austin and Andrew, you have both made very valid points: the diaconate and women's ministries are sorely overlooked in many Reformed circles, but the sufficiency of the means of grace can be easily overlooked as well. Since both points have been made, let's make sure we return to the substance of the OP and not let this deteriorate into who likes Keller and Hunt and who does not.

Well said, Tim. Thank you. Apparently Keller & Hunt are somewhat controversial on PB. I wasn't aware of this.

Andrew: no need to take umbrage at my comments. You're 28. Don't take yourself so seriously. You're still a young man. I meant no disrespect.

Shalom, y'all.
Andrew: no need to take umbrage at my comments. You're 28. Don't take yourself so seriously. You're still a young man. I meant no disrespect.

Shalom, y'all.

These kind of ad hominem remarks are certainly umbrageous. Pointing out a man's younger age will invariably be taken as an under-handed jab. Just my :2cents:.
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