NEW MUSIC: Christ Above All – Flamenco Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon

C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher

Christ Above All – Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon

This is a unique musical journey in the style of Flamenco. (This album is one of my wife’s absolute favorites – and she plays guitar.)

This album, “Christ Above All,” features fifteen tracks. Two of these are purely instrumental. The remaining thirteen tracks are compositions, each inspired by key verses from the Scriptures that surround the person and work of Jesus Christ, and turned into songs that are both spiritually enriching and musically engaging. Some of these songs have lyrically been drawn from seventeenth century poetry (*), and others are completely original.


Check it out here.

Music Tracks
0. Christ the Redeemer – Instrumental
1. Unapproachable Light*
2. Grace Upon Grace*
3. Praise, Praise the Lord
4. Flow Flow, River of Grace
5. If the Son
6. Guide Me
7. Praise the Trinity and Redeemer*
8. Blessed Be
9. Come and Buy
10. Christ is King – Instrumental
11. Christ is King*
12. Christ Above All
13. He Reigns on High
14. Come Hither*
Nice! very interesting. AI Spaniard was a little creepy at first but not bad. In the same vein, though not style, of Bushong’s A Mighty Fortress.
It's colorful cover art, with the name of the album, which happens to include the title of Christ. It's not like he's comparing Jesus to a guitar picking flamingo.
It's not like he's comparing Jesus to a guitar picking flamingo.
Of course not. He's just associating Jesus with a guitar picking flamingo.

My point, though, is that the whole project is cringeworthy, especially the aspects that border on sacrilege.
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Of course not. He's just associating Jesus with a guitar picking flamingo.

My point, though, is that the whole project is cringeworthy, especially the aspects that border on sacrilege.
The cover aside, what exactly do you find offensive?

The musical style? The use of AI?
I'm personally fine with the cover art, but that is just my opinion. I can see how that could be untasteful to some others though. It's just my opinion, but I would probably change it for the sake of not wanting others to stumble. But then again I don't think it's a matter of right or wrong, just taste.
Again, I have to point out, that when the printing press was invented, the Scribes Guilds fought vehemently to preserve their "way of doing things." Yet, name one book on your shelf that is hand-written? This scene from "Money Ball" sums it up perfectly. Moderators, please remove if not allowed, it does have the "a" and "s" word in it.
I did so.
Flamenco (an art form) is a STYLE of music sometimes depicted by a flamingo (a bird).
The oldest record of "flamenco" is in the 1770s.
The word has associations to Spanish or Portuguese ancestry.
In some dialects of southern France, "flamingos" are called "flamenc," which derives from "flamma" (defined as flame), which goes well with the style of music.
The Spanish word for the flamingo is 'flamenco'.
Sometimes a play on words happens to describe the art form or STYLE OF MUSIC for "flamenco."
The play on words has been attributed to a number of "Flamenco albums" having "flamingos" on them to characterize the STYLE of music. Some flamenco albums have mariachi players playing an acoustic guitar. Some have dancers and a mariachi band.
Take the Flamingo and combine it with a mariachi player and you have a flamingo wearing a sombrero playing an acoustic guitar that REPRESENTS the style of music known as Flamenco, as a play on words. That's all I'll say about it. Enjoy!