New Book on the Life and Works of Robert Baillie

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I does appear it can be accessed online at universities. I see hard copies on Amazon for 70-88 USD used to new.
Dear Mr. Campbell: If you want people to actually read the book you've spent so much sweat-equity to write, don't publish it with either a university or some other sort of academic press! Use a trade publisher, where it will at least have a chance of having a reasonable price attached to it, so us poorer sorts can have a chance at it. Love, Me
I do wonder if author's fall into a mindset that the work will not be taken seriously if not done by an academic press or even suffer from some kind of academic snobbery where the prestige of an Oxford publication ensnares them. This ensures a limited run and high price tag. But then in many instances as with the above, scholars can access the work for free via packages sold or access sold to the university library. I have to think a P&R or RHB would have sprung for the Baillie. On a practical level though, some titles even at a low price simply don't have much of an audience; hence the reason for being of the academic presses.
I do wonder if author's fall into a mindset that the work will not be taken seriously if not done by an academic press

For the purposes of their career, they have to publish with an academic press. If you are working at a seminary, you may be able to get away with publishing with P&R or RHB. At most universities, however, they (mistakenly) will not take these publishers seriously - at least not for a first book.
If you can get a review copy maybe you can write a review for The Confessional Presbyterian for 2018? You can consider this authorization to make the request if that helps get a copy. Some publishers seem reticent to give out copies; maybe too many blogger requests?
Sometimes, you can get them at Postscript Books:

There was a book on England and the American Civil War, which I needed and had to pay £60. Later on, it turned up on Postscript for £10. It did not really matter to me, as I was able to claim expenses. Still, it would have annoying for anyone else.
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