C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher

A Watchman Over Christ’s Church by C. Matthew McMahon (105 pages)

The watchman’s life is a life of consecration; a life on the wall dividing the world and church, to watch and take heed, to sound the alarm, and bring God’s message to his people boldly, faithfully and plainly. The watchman acts in the name of another, that is, of God, who has called him to the task of watching which includes praying (power) and preaching (guidance and direction). He is commissioned by God with supernatural gifts (given by the effectual work of the Spirit on behalf of Christ) which allows him to discern, speak and work in the ministry by the word God has given him to preach. He officiates in that office as one commissioned of God on behalf of God’s people. He is not sent of his own accord, but sent of God to minister the words of Christ to his beloved church.

In this work on the watchman of Ezekiel 33, McMahon explains the nature of the watchman, the work of the watchman, the watched of the watchman and the faithful exercise of his duty on behalf of Jesus Christ, who has commissioned him to serve his sheep as a faithful steward of the glory of Gospel.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is a Watchman?
Chapter 2: The Watchman and Those He Watches
Chapter 3: The Faithfulness of the Watchman

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