Nazis were opposed to Christianity

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Ordinary Guy (TM)
I often read Leftists who state things such as Hitler was a Christian, etc., or that Nationalism today is just like the Nazis of yesterday, etc.

The following is from the "Handbook For Schooling The Hitler Youth" and proves that Nazi Germany was opposed to Christianity:

"Even today the racial ideas of National Socialism have implacable opponents. Freemasons, Marxists, and the Christian Church joins hands in brotherly accord on this point.

The world-wide order of Free Masons conceals its Jewish plans for ruling the world behind the catchword 'mankind' or 'humanity'. Masonry can take as much credit for its effort to bring Jews and Turks into the fold as does Christianity itself. Marxism has the same goal as Freemasonry. In this case, to disguise its real intentions, the slogan equality, liberty and fraternity is preached. Under Jewish leadership, Marxism intends to bring together everyone who bears the face of man.

The Christians, above all the Roman Church, reject the race idea with the citation: Before God all men are equal. All who have the Christian belief, whether Jews, bush negroes or whites, are dearer to them and more worthwhile than a German who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all restrictions, is the Belief which alone brings salvation."

Observations from this quote:

(1) The publishers of this book for Hitler Youth saw Christianity as antithetical to Nazi ideals.

(2) I find it curious that the Nazis linked up the Marxists, Freemasons, and Christians all together as globalizing agents trying to unify mankind.

(2b.) Many Christians also believe in Freemasonic and Marxist and even Jewish plots to take over the world or change it into a One World Government.

(3) The Nazi Handbook summarizes the unity in the Gospel pretty beautifully: "Before God all men are equal. All who have the Christian belief, whether Jews, bush negroes or whites, are dearer to them and more worthwhile than a German who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all restrictions, is the Belief which alone brings salvation."
I have listened to some lectures by the late Jonathan Bowden of the BNP,[1] which were useful enough in critiquing certain aspects of modern leftist thought, but which also betrayed the so-called far-right's indebtedness to paganism. It is worth keeping in mind that racialists such as David Hume were infidels, as were later Romantic racialists such as Thomas Carlyle and the Irish Republican, John Mitchel. Orthodox Christians do need to be on our guard that in opposing Wokeism and Cultural Marxism that we give no credence to the opposite error.

[1] I do not regard the BNP as being authentic British nationalists.
I have listened to some lectures by the late Jonathan Bowden of the BNP,[1] which were useful enough in critiquing certain aspects of modern leftist thought, but which also betrayed the so-called far-right's indebtedness to paganism. It is worth keeping in mind that racialists such as David Hume were infidels, as were later Romantic racialists such as Thomas Carlyle and the Irish Republican, John Mitchel. Orthodox Christians do need to be on our guard that in opposing Wokeism and Cultural Marxism that we give no credence to the opposite error.

[1] I do not regard the BNP as being authentic British nationalists.

Yes, it is strange how easy it is to fall into the opposite ditch when opposing extremes. I was very disapointed, for instance, when some of the Confederate Flaggers agreed to march with Neo-Nazis during the "Unite the Right" marches a few years back in the US. You just CANNOT "unite the right" because there is no way to be co-beliigerents or united with evil people. Some groups, even if they are opposed to Wokeism and the Black Panthers (the other extreme of the same evil spectrum) are evil themselves and must also be opposed. I see people being pulled to extremes in the US, to the left and the right, but wordly answers to problems only yield evil results. I shared the quote on the PB because it is nice to see a quote straight from the Horse's Mouth stating that Christianity was their enemy. Although I don't like being grouped in with the Marxists...
Here is a blog post with information I found a while ago on how the Nazis treated Christian churches that may interest you: [THE NAZI MASTER PLAN Transcribed and annotated by Professor Richard Bonney]

That said, I think some of the confusion people have relates to statements and actions made by the Catholic church during the WWII era. Things like this don't exactly clear things up:

“Mussolini was the man sent by Providence.” (Pope Pius XI)

See also: [NOT an endorsement of this site]

I have seen other information on this so I will have to dig it up again!
Depends on which Nazis are being discussed, and what time period. There were factions with different views, and while the infighting generally didn't get as bloody as in Stalin's soviet state, it is wrong to think of it as a completely unified movement.

One of Strasser brothers from the left wing of the party was pro-Christian. (As he understood Christianity. Of course, neither brother ended up having a long term future in the party.)

The Nazi state suppressed astrology and fortunetelling, but some of the Nazi leaders consulted astrologists.

As to the Nazi propaganda, they marketed different messages to different markets. The photo of Hitler leaving the church in Wilhelmshaven - do you want the version with the cross showing for Christians, or the version without the cross calling it a visit to study the architecture.

The stories that he carried a New Testament or a Prayer Book in his pocket didn't start by themselves.

There was a nicely done Madonna and Child done by Hitler before World War I (board rules prohibit links).
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