Most exhaustive theological book refuted free will?


Puritan Board Freshman
Most Exhaustive Book Refuting Freewill

I have Pinks Sovereignty of God and Edwards Freedom of the Will. I feel as if these books are great but what I am looking for is something that is more thorough in refuting modern day evangelical Arminianism scripturally.

I am looking for a book that possibly has a a Q&A of plausible and common objections to the Doctrines of Grace or perhaps that goes to extensive lengths to exegete specific passages and hones in on seemingly “Arminian” arguments and passages. A books that in essence provides a breakdown of a total refutation of semi-Pelagian theology whilst also using scripture to properly display the Sovereignty of God in salvation.

Is such work published? If so, by whom and where can it be purchased at?

I have always wanted just a complete reference I can carry around which has an index of some sort to put the context and proper meaning to commonly used arguments.
I am not looking for books primarily focusing on logical fallacies, but rather a scriptural foundation. The people I speak with on a daily basis are not keen to having arguments of reason and logic but rather go through extensive length to emphasis specific passages and words in passages such as “whosoever” or “world” and such a book would be very helpful for references.
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James White's The Potter's Freedom
James White's Debating Calvinism
Gordon Clark's Predestination
Thomas Schreiner/Bruce Ware Still Sovereign
John Frame No Other God: A Response to Open Theism
R. K. McGregor Wright No Place for Sovereignty
Steve Hays' posts on
Ryan has given you some great books. I would add:
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Boettner
Chosen in Christ by Venema
Most Exhaustive Book Refuting Freewill

I have Pinks Sovereignty of God and Edwards Freedom of the Will. I feel as if these books are great but what I am looking for is something that is more thorough in refuting modern day evangelical Arminianism scripturally.

I am looking for a book that possibly has a a Q&A of plausible and common objections to the Doctrines of Grace or perhaps that goes to extensive lengths to exegete specific passages and hones in on seemingly “Arminian” arguments and passages. A books that in essence provides a breakdown of a total refutation of semi-Pelagian theology whilst also using scripture to properly display the Sovereignty of God in salvation.

Well, I doubt that I have found that one (unique) book that is the "Most Exhaustive Book Refuting Freewill," but I found Gordon Clark helpful. Here are two links to posts of mine (2016 & 2022) that mention Gordon Clark on free will.

EDIT: Clark's specialty is well-reasoned propositional logic, which I think could be a good add-on for you unless, of course, you find that one "exhaustive" book. :)

The last paragraph of Gordon Clark's book, God and Evil: Problem Solved.

"Another aspect of the human conditions presupposed by the laws God imposes on man is that they carry with them a penalty that cannot be inflicted on God. Man is responsible because God calls him to account; man is responsible because the supreme power can punish him for disobedience. God, on the contrary, cannot be responsible for the plain reason that there is no power superior to him; no greater being can hold him accountable; no one can punish him; there is no one to whom God is responsible; there are no laws which he could disobey. The sinner, therefore, and not God, is responsible; the sinner alone is the author of sin. Man has no free will, for salvation is purely of grace; and God is sovereign."​

Here's a bunch of quotes by well-known Christians through a number of centuries that spoke against, Free Will.
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Check out Scott Christensen's "What About Free Will: Reconciling Our Choices with God's Sovereignty." It sticks exclusively to the issue of free will, comparing "libertarianism" and "compatibilitism."
Most Exhaustive Book Refuting Freewill

I have Pinks Sovereignty of God and Edwards Freedom of the Will. I feel as if these books are great but what I am looking for is something that is more thorough in refuting modern day evangelical Arminianism scripturally.

I am looking for a book that possibly has a a Q&A of plausible and common objections to the Doctrines of Grace or perhaps that goes to extensive lengths to exegete specific passages and hones in on seemingly “Arminian” arguments and passages. A books that in essence provides a breakdown of a total refutation of semi-Pelagian theology whilst also using scripture to properly display the Sovereignty of God in salvation.

Is such work published? If so, by whom and where can it be purchased at?

I have always wanted just a complete reference I can carry around which has an index of some sort to put the context and proper meaning to commonly used arguments.
I am not looking for books primarily focusing on logical fallacies, but rather a scriptural foundation. The people I speak with on a daily basis are not keen to having arguments of reason and logic but rather go through extensive length to emphasis specific passages and words in passages such as “whosoever” or “world” and such a book would be very helpful for references.
This is a problem. I have seen it. Where the only thing that matters are "proof texts".
Rutherford's Influences of the Life of Grace is more thorough than any of the above, I think. But it's also written by Rutherford, which means it's a mix of theological brilliance and terrible editing and English.
An antidote against Arminianism, or, A succinct discourse to enervate and confute all the five points thereof to wit, predestination grounded upon man's foreseen works, universal redemption, sufficient grace is all, the power of man's free-will in conversion, and the possibility of true saints falling away totally and finally : all which are demonstrated here to be damnable errours, both by Scriptures and reason &c. ...
Ness, Christopher, 1621-1705
This is a problem. I have seen it. Where the only thing that matters are "proof texts".
I am not looking for proof text. It’s very clear as someone who has only known Calvinistic doctrine that not everyone shares the view. A book that refutes and properly assorts the nature and context to frequently used objections would be helpful.