Military Chaplaincy

Greg Hitt

Puritan Board Freshman
Background: I am 32, have already served thus far 10 years total as an Army Officer (more than 5 years in the reserves), I have a desire to go into ministry and serve my country, and I am getting close to promotion for Major. I attend a church in the PCA. In reflecting on what I've done and where I'm at and what I would like to do, I assess myself as being in a pickle. Part of me want to continue the path I'm currently on, but another part of me strongly wants to pursue God and His ministry with all I have. I also have a full time job and a family (with 3 kids). I am also rated at 80% VA disability (which needs to be re-assessed).

Some questions I have for those who might be able to help me out:
1. Am I too late to be thinking about the Chaplaincy?
2. What would I have to do in order to go into the Chaplaincy?
3. What are the options available given where I'm at?
4. Given my current situation, am I crazy? Gut check?

Brother seeking help from other brothers
Have you talked with any reformed (or Biblically adhering) chaplains? I’m not a pastor/chaplain, but with the increasing bureaucracy spreading throughout the military, you’ll inevitably be incredibly limited in what you can preach and/or reprimanded.

Just something to consider, with a 80% disability (thank you for your service and I’m sorry about your apparent sacrifice), you’d be better able to take on the financial risks in serving small reformed churches.
Have you talked with any reformed (or Biblically adhering) chaplains? I’m not a pastor/chaplain, but with the increasing bureaucracy spreading throughout the military, you’ll inevitably be incredibly limited in what you can preach and/or reprimanded.

Just something to consider, with a 80% disability (thank you for your service and I’m sorry about your apparent sacrifice), you’d be better able to take on the financial risks in serving small reformed churches.
I have and am currently talking with some current and retired chaplains. I am also talking with my church Session about this.
Have you talked with any reformed (or Biblically adhering) chaplains? I’m not a pastor/chaplain, but with the increasing bureaucracy spreading throughout the military, you’ll inevitably be incredibly limited in what you can preach and/or reprimanded.

Just something to consider, with a 80% disability (thank you for your service and I’m sorry about your apparent sacrifice), you’d be better able to take on the financial risks in serving small reformed churches.

I would echo this...based on personal observation and conversation, there is certainly a limit to what our military chaplains can say. Though there seems to be a bit more freedom on Sunday morning (when the elect elects to attend) than the other days of the week, I do not envy the position of men who must toe the pluralistic, PC line Monday-Saturday while seeking to teach the Truth. Then throw in the need to share a billboard with a wicca service, or even be asked to offer counsel -in some instances - WITHOUT citing Scripture, or face reprimand (true story)...

But I certainly have not seen the entire Army and there may be chaplains who have found a way to operate in such an environment without compromising their integrity. And if any could pull it off, they certainly could do tremendous good. All of them have my respect.
I would echo this...based on personal observation and conversation, there is certainly a limit to what our military chaplains can say. Though there seems to be a bit more freedom on Sunday morning (when the elect elects to attend) than the other days of the week, I do not envy the position of men who must toe the pluralistic, PC line Monday-Saturday while seeking to teach the Truth. Then throw in the need to share a billboard with a wicca service, or even be asked to offer counsel -in some instances - WITHOUT citing Scripture, or face reprimand (true story)...

But I certainly have not seen the entire Army and there may be chaplains who have found a way to operate in such an environment without compromising their integrity. And if any could pull it off, they certainly could do tremendous good. All of them have my respect.
I think chaplains are required to support all "faiths" as well, aren't they? I recall one chaplain (who I had little respect for) being very respectful of Muslims and having Korans handy.

I think a great opportunity for chaplains is in deployment where you have extended access and latitude with service members. These opportunities of course have been reduced with the withdrawal. In garrison, the Soldiers who might be interested in service would likely be attending a local church anyways.