The best chaplains I served with were men that gained the confidence of the soldiers in their command. They knew about the hardships their soldiers were experiencing, related to overseas deployments, and other unique aspects of military life. They had a good understanding of what emotions soldiers were experiencing. They were often as much social worker as they were minister of the Word.
Chaplains had to be accept that some soldiers hold belief systems hostile to his own. Protestant Chaplains have to arrange for soldiers who are Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox, or Latter Day Saints, or Muslim, or Sikh, or Baha'i, or Jewish, or Buddhist to attend worship services that meet his needs. The Army expects its Chaplains to leave such soldiers alone in their unbelief unless they ask for council.
In our sodomite friendly culture Chaplains are expected to not be judgemental of homosexuals. Even if he is not expected to perform homosexual marriages; Chaplains are expected to refrain from telling soldiers that their homosexual conduct is sinful when they counsel soldiers.