Migrating to a New Server Tomorrow

Semper Fidelis

2 Timothy 2:24-25
Staff member
Just a heads up that the PB will be down for a server migration tomorrow. I don't know what time I'll perform the migration.

Red Hat recently changed its rules around its Linux distro. The very popular CentOS distro was made available for free, but they are discontinuing that practice. I provisioned a new server based on AlmaLinux 8. The nice thing is that the server will be a bit more powerful for the same price.

I spent a few hours getting an ElasticSearch cluster installed on the new server. That was the hard part. The board uses an Enhanced Search plugin that leverages ElasticSearch and is better than the normal search feature, but it requires an ElasticSearch instance. Getting that set up took me a few hours of trial and error given my limited Linux skills today but it's working.

Now I just have to perform a migration of the account from one server to the other. It will take some time as the DB is pretty big, but once complete, I make some quick DNS changes and the board should be back up.

Once it's back up and working, Search might be hinky until I rebuild the search index but it should otherwise work just fine.
Well, I'm going to have to try over. Some things went badly on the new server and I don't want to keep the board down all day long.

I'm going to work with the hosting team to figure out what's going on.

When I saw the site was down, all the blood drained from my face haha. I had no idea we were migrating servers.
These change-ups can be stressful! Thank you for your diligence. From my vantage point, everything appears to be working fine.
When making a post and entering a URL for a picture in the post, it gave me this error: "Oops! We ran into some problems.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console."

It was when I was trying to put in a picture of the Thomas Goodwin book. I clicked on picture, then entered the URL and that popped up and wouldn't let me add it.
When making a post and entering a URL for a picture in the post, it gave me this error: "Oops! We ran into some problems.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console."

It was when I was trying to put in a picture of the Thomas Goodwin book. I clicked on picture, then entered the URL and that popped up and wouldn't let me add it.
Just to echo this report, I've had similar issues on my mobile device when using the browser. Attaching pictures doesn't seem to work properly when posting replies. I've instead had to upload them to a website and link to it. I've also had similar issues when using the browser to post a hyperlink with custom text. Where the text gets inserted with the URL seems to be off, sometimes replacing non-hyperlink text.
Hey guys! Not sure to whom I should address this: but I typically have an alert whenever a new post is made in the sports forum, but those haven't been coming for the past couple days. Any way this is affected by the switch?
When making a post and entering a URL for a picture in the post, it gave me this error: "Oops! We ran into some problems.
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console."

It was when I was trying to put in a picture of the Thomas Goodwin book. I clicked on picture, then entered the URL and that popped up and wouldn't let me add it.
I just got the same error when trying to reply to a post in another thread. I gave up after the second or third time, which included refreshing the page. I haven't had issues with other posts though. None of them involved attachments.
I just got the same error when trying to reply to a post in another thread. I gave up after the second or third time, which included refreshing the page. I haven't had issues with other posts though. None of them involved attachments.
What were you trying to do at the time so I could try to reproduce it?

I just figured out I had some template problems and some wonky issues might have been coming from that.