Lord’s Day Sermons (1/28/24)


Puritan Board Freshman
Please share what you heard preached today (or, if you’re a minister, what you preached on)!

Been back at Mt. Calvary Church (the church I attend here at college) for two weeks now, and my pastor continued in his series on Acts that he begun last week. He preached on Acts 1:12-26, with the main theme being how the believers in the early church at this time fully depended on God 1) in their waiting for the Spirit to be poured out, 2) in working through the betrayal of Judas, and 3) in their decision-making for who should replace Judas in his office as apostle. In the upper room, the believers depended on God by devoting themselves to prayer in complete unity as they waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit to be fulfilled; Peter depended on God in working through the implications of Judas’ betrayal by relying upon His Scriptures that had been prophetically fulfilled by the event (Ps. 69:25 and Ps. 109:8 cited in Acts 1:20); they relied on God’s sovereignty over the decision for Judas’ replacement as they casted lots (cf. Prov. 16:33). Exhorted us to avoid the self-reliant tendencies of the culture, and also helpfully commented that not everything in Acts is prescriptive, but rather descriptive for us today (like the pouring out of the Spirit in Acts 2).
Heard a sermon on the doctrine of election from Ephesians 1:3-6 in the morning. It was refreshing to be encouraged knowing that God's love is from all eternity, and He chose us before we had done either good or bad. Humbling.

Second was from Philippians 1:27-2:11, the characteristics of the citizens of heaven; namely unity, love, and humility; capped off with Christ as the example for our citizen living.