Lord’s Day Sermons (1/14/24)


Puritan Board Freshman
Please share what you heard preached today (or, if you’re a minister, what you preached on)!

Sunday school: Was fortunately able to attend Sunday school prior to worship today. Lesson was on 1 Chron. 13:1-14, discussing the episode of Uzzah and the ark. Discussed how something can be done with good intentions but conducted in a manner contrary to Scripture, which often stems from an ignorance of what God has commanded in His Word. Briefly touched on the Regulative Principle of Worship.

Worship: Pastor preached on Matt. 16:21-23. Discussed the necessity and centrality of the cross in Jesus’ ministry and our salvation, how the cross was shocking to Jewish ears (even the disciples) who expected a victorious political messiah, and the seriousness of Peter’s presumption in rebuking Christ. He made an interesting point that the great cosmic conflict between God and Satan came to somewhat of a focal point here, as Satan used Peter as an agent of temptation to prevent Christ from executing the salvation of His people.

Also saw John L. Girardeau’s sermon “The Discretionary Power of the Church” mentioned in another thread by @NaphtaliPress , so I gave that a read as well later on in the day. Great stuff!
We started a series on Isaiah, with 1:1-9. The Lord's people made themselves baser than animals and provoked his wrath by their ingratitude.
We continued with Matthew since we stopped right before Christmas. The Pastor preached on Matthew 24:29-35. His main point was to not allow the distractions of the world blind you from focusing on what is important which is the Lord.