Lord’s Day Sermons — 10/15/23


Puritan Board Freshman
Please let us know what you heard preached this Lord’s Day (or, if you are a pastor, let us know what you preached on)!

AM: Was back at my college church today and my pastor continued in our series through Colossians. He preached from Col. 2:8-15, with v. 8 as the central focus. Exhorted/warned us not to be led astray by worldly philosophies that are not according to Christ — he gave the examples of “God just wants me to be happy,” “Be true to yourself,” and “The Bible is not authoritative.” He then gave the alternative which Paul presents, which is not to adopt these deceitful philosophies which are present both in and out of the church considering we 1) are filled with Christ’s power, 2) are united to Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, 3) have our debts cancelled, and 4) have a defeated foe in Satan. Challenged us to consider what philosophies guide our decision-making, which was very practical.

PM: Normally volunteer at my church’s high school youth group, but we didn’t have that today so I attended a local OPC church about 20 minutes away in Middletown. The pastor (who is a friend of my spiritual mentor through the college campus ministry, hence why I know about the church) preached on Acts 4:1-22, comparing the challenged and inferior authority of the Sanhedrin to the authority of the apostles to heal and to preach in the name of the risen Lord Jesus who has all authority. Scripture reading from 1 Kings 22:1-40 had a similar theme.
AM: Hebrews 2, week 3 of my pastor's new series in the book. Focus was about the superiority of Jesus, focusing in on the referenced passage of Psalm 8. Tried to get the overall message of the chapter to be continued on in weeks to come.

PM: Visited Atlanta RPCNA. Dr Smith is going over a series on the 10 commandments, and today was on the 4th commandment and addressed why the Sabbath is now on the first day of the week. Was a bit more topical but Hebrews 4 was the main text.