John Owen's Works, Read Systematically


Puritan Board Post-Graduate
There are many people I so wish had written a proper systematic theology. I wish John Murray had; I wish Jonathan Edwards had; I wish Cornelius Van Til had. The one I most wish had written one, though, is John Owen. A year or so ago, I purchased the entire works of Owen (including his Hebrews commentary) on Logos. Now, this is a massive set, amounting to thousands upon thousands of pages. Surely there is a enough material here on enough subjects to where one could organize sections of his works to make something like a table of contents to "the systematic theology of John Owen." I have done this somewhat with John Murray. Has anyone done this with Owen? Has John Owen written substantially on every major loci of systematic theology? If not, if there is anyone interested in helping me do this, I think it would be an invaluable resource.
Actually, the fact that Owen didn't write a systematics allowed him to treat some doctrines at far more depth than a systematics could cover.
Actually, the fact that Owen didn't write a systematics allowed him to treat some doctrines at far more depth than a systematics could cover.

Oh, for sure—definitely not a knock against him. If I could have wanted anybody to write in-depth on various subjects, it would be Owen. I'm just wondering if he wrote broadly enough so that someone like me can come behind him and organize excerpts to make something like a systematic theology for him. I know he wrote a lot on the Holy Spirit, communion with God, justification, and ecclesiology. But with these Puritans it is often the case that there are strong treatments of various loci within works not fundamentally dedicated to the subject. For example, you might find a wonderful exposition of the Trinity in a sermon by Thomas Watson on family worship, or something like that. Owen's body of work is just so massive that I would not know where all those gems are.
Actually Owen did write kind of a systematic that has only relatively recently been translated out of the Latin.
I had it and read some of it, before I sent it to a Nepali seminarian in India.
Actually Owen did write kind of a systematic that has only relatively recently been translated out of the Latin.
I had it and read some of it, before I sent it to a Nepali seminarian in India.

I actually Googled "John Owen systematic theology" this afternoon and one of the results was this book. It's funny, one of the reviewers on Amazon said that John Owen was the greatest American theologian that ever lived. :rofl:
I actually Googled "John Owen systematic theology" this afternoon and one of the results was this book. It's funny, one of the reviewers on Amazon said that John Owen was the greatest American theologian that ever lived. :rofl:
I have it, along with the BOT set, and whoever translated it ... I find it easier to follow JO's train of thought in it than in the BOT works set.
There are many people I so wish had written a proper systematic theology. I wish John Murray had; I wish Jonathan Edwards had; I wish Cornelius Van Til had. The one I most wish had written one, though, is John Owen. A year or so ago, I purchased the entire works of Owen (including his Hebrews commentary) on Logos. Now, this is a massive set, amounting to thousands upon thousands of pages. Surely there is a enough material here on enough subjects to where one could organize sections of his works to make something like a table of contents to "the systematic theology of John Owen." I have done this somewhat with John Murray. Has anyone done this with Owen? Has John Owen written substantially on every major loci of systematic theology? If not, if there is anyone interested in helping me do this, I think it would be an invaluable resource.
This might be the closest thing out there to a treatment of Owen's system as a system: