Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... When I was called by that king [Edward VI.] and when certain laws of the country stood in the way, so that the public rites of divine worship used under Popery could not immediately be purged out (which the king himself desired); and when I was earnest for the foreign churches, it was at length his pleasure, that the public rites of the English churches should be reformed by degrees, as far as could be got done by the laws of the country; but that strangers, who were not strictly bound to these laws in this matter, should have churches granted unto them, in which they should freely regulate all things wholly according to apostolical doctrine and practice, without any regard to the rites of the country; that by this means the English churches also might be excited to embrace the apostolical purity, by the unanimous consent of all the states of the kingdom. ...
For more, see John à Lasco on Edward VI and the need for further reform of the English Church.
For more, see John à Lasco on Edward VI and the need for further reform of the English Church.