James Anderson on the godlessness of Scottish Presbyterian migrants to America

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
There are a great many young men merchants who come from your parts, soberly (I believe) educated & brought up at home, who, when they arrive here, are mere rakes, stop or stand at no sin or vice almost that falls in their way, swearing whoring Sabbath breaking drunkenness are as common vices, with a great many of them, as if they thought there was no evil in the commission of any of these; and as to their countenance of ministers that are of the principles of the church of Scotland, they are so far from it that they carry as if they were ashamed of their mother Church her principles & ways, whatever is the religion of their pot & lascivious companions that is theirs.

So that really a great many of them (yet are some, though very few, exceptions) are a perfect scandal to all religion & a disgrace to that part of the world from whence they come, from which other & better things had been here expected; I am sure if the parents & principals of some of them knew their carriage & behaviour in these parts it would be matter of very great sorrow & grief to them. I propose this not out of any disregard I have to them, I am sure it is out of love to their souls. ...

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Interesting. Makes you wonder.

Just saw this this morning and thought I’d share. You may already follow Log College Press.

"The Presbyterian church is probably not more indebted for her prosperity, and for the evangelical spirit which has generally pervaded her body, to any individual, than to the elder [William] Tennent." -- Archibald Alexander, "Biographical Sketches of the Founder, and Principal Alumni of the Log College" (1845), p. 31
