Isaac da Costa (messianic calvinistic Jew)

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Puritan Board Junior
Iam just giong through the bible readings of Isaac da Costa. He was converted Jew during the time of the "Reveil". I don't know if his works are transelated in english, because iam reading it in Dutch (Isaac da Costa was a Dutchman), it is excellent, because i know some modern messianic Jews, but Isaac da Costa was a Reformed Christian,and his insides of the Scripture are very good!

What is a messianic Jew, anyway? Isn't that a Dispensational term, or do Reformed people use it too? It seems foreign to Scripture to me, in the sense that a messianic Jew is really a Christian, right?
No this not a Dispensational term, a messianic Jew is a true Jew, who is coverted to the Lord Jesus Chrisst, and which heart is circumcised.
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