Isaac Ambrose: baptism is not absolutely essential for salvation

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
You may yet object, [to be born again] is (saith our Saviour) [to be born of water and of the Spirit:] now water is the outward Baptism, and the Spirit is the inward grace (thus all Ancients have construed this text, saith [Richard] Hooker) but children not born (howsoever they are sanctified by the Spirit) they cannot be baptized with water, and therefore they cannot see the Kingdom of God.

I answer: In cases of extremity, or impossibility, if actual Baptism be wanting, vocal is enough, and thus far some of our adversaries grant us; Though it be wanting indeed (saith Aquinas) yet Baptism in desire is sufficient to salvation: And to this end he cites Austin [Augustine], saying, Sanctification may be without Baptism, and Baptism without Sanctification; if Sanctification be, though Baptism be not, it avails to salvation; but if Baptism be, and Sanctification be not, it avails nothing at all. Our conclusion is this, All men (or all mankind) young men and maidens, old men and children, all must be regenerated, or they can never see the Kingdom of God.

For the reference, see:

A lot of folks here probably have this view:

Although it be a great sin to contemn or neglect this ordinance; yet grace and salvation are not so inseparably annexed unto it, as that no person can be regenerated, or saved, without it; or, that all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated.
I I answer: In cases of extremity, or impossibility, if actual Baptism be wanting, vocal is enough, and thus far some of our adversaries grant us; Though it be wanting indeed (saith Aquinas) yet Baptism in desire is sufficient to salvation:

Greetings, brothers and sisters in our common Faith,

You've all heard the old saying about "the road to Hell [being] paved with good intentions." Allow me to set the record straight.

Thanks to the fantastic Grace of our awesome, most loving, all-powerful God, who will by no means acquit the guilty' we, his precious chosen ones, are benefactors of His double-exchange plan. Not only did Christ take our sins upon Himself, as wonderful as that is, but remember that we also become credited with Christ's righteousness, good works, and all things we need for life now and forevermore.

Although the wicked have not a single thought or desire acceptable to God during their entire lifetime, the slightest whimper over sin, as it offends God, is heard and heartily accepted. And positively, the slightest desire for True holiness before the Lord, or those doleful tears over your lack of holiness, are accepted for the act when coupled with this slightest sincerity. Oh, you can't outgood the good Lord.

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭8:12‬​
[12] For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. (think, widow's mite)​

Following is a thread I posted several years back. It was a source of light to me.

How Sincerity Covers the Saints' Failings
- from Gurnall's
The Christian in Complete Armour