In reading some posts, I see “TR” used a bit...

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Puritan Board Freshman
Could someone enlighten this since what TR means? Thank you in advance...

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Or, sometimes TR means "Thoroughly Reformed" or "Truly Reformed." Exactly what it means to be Thoroughly Reformed can depend on who uses the term, but generally it means more purely or traditionally Reformed than the mainstream of the Bible-believing Reformed world. It can be a label worn with pride, or one used as criticism.
they need to add a fourth letter, an A, as, as often as not, they are AntiSabbatarian and at least sound antinomian and NCT (new covenant theology since we are defining such things). The Reformed descriptor is utterly useless online (I think there's another thread on that).
Seems like a long time ago I suggested a resource, maybe a sticky thread, with definitions of the many acronyms found on this board. Nothing ever came of it, but it is still a good idea In my humble opinion.
For instance, in that thread on the PCA survey there is the term SJWS. I did a forum search and someone had asked for the definition in the Ayn Rand thread, and turns out to be 'social justice warriors.' A sticky thread with all of these acronyms might be instructive.
There used to be a post called "You might be BR (Broadly Reformed) if..." It was glorious.

I was called TR in seminary by another seminarian. It was used in a derogatory way...

I’m not sure though what they meant by it because I am now more reformed in the proper definition of the word than at that time...
Seems like a long time ago I suggested a resource, maybe a sticky thread, with definitions of the many acronyms found on this board. Nothing ever came of it, but it is still a good idea In my humble opinion.
For instance, in that thread on the PCA survey there is the term SJWS. I did a forum search and someone had asked for the definition in the Ayn Rand thread, and turns out to be 'social justice warriors.' A sticky thread with all of these acronyms might be instructive.
Heh. Such a need has be usurped:


I thought it meant "Trump Readified" as in "I voted for Trump and I'm ready to double down on that bet, thrown down with any libs, and takedown any fake news that insults me."
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