immersion in to water, or something else?

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Puritan Board Freshman
The Greek word for baptism (the word baptism is straight from the Greek) is baptisma (bap'-tis-mah) it means: immersion, baptism (technically or figuratively). i want to know what you think we are immersed into. many say water, but i have heard others say different things like: the church, the spirit, and the like. what do you think?

:thumbdown: :thumbup:

:thumbup: :thumbdown:

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by johnny_redeemed]
Please utilize the boards search function prior to posting as many questions posed have already been dealt with in the past.

Sprinkled by the water of the father's Word. Illuminated by the Spirit poured out upon us. We are immersed in the blood of Christ.
i went and read the post you talk about. i think my question is a different question. if not i am sorry, but i think it is.

my question is not about "should we sprinkle and imers?"
my question is "when we are baptized what are we imersed into."

if my question is talk about there let me know. if not lets talk about it.
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