(not sure where to post this, but thought visitors go well with "evangelism" so I put it here.)
I posted a piece today at my blog about
How to Retain Visitors. I'd be curious to hear if others on the board have things they would add to the list.
Seth, you'd done a good job outlining the main features, in my opinion. Just to follow up on your list with a few of the things we do here at Oceanside URC:
1. Pray that God will send visitors.
2. Welcome them with lots of love. Church growth "gurus" say it's best to leave visitor alone and if they initiate conversation, then talk. This is garbage. We are image-bearers of God who need fellowship, friendship, and community. Even if people never come back, they should not be able to say, "That was an unfriendly, unloving church."
3. Give them a visitor packet. Ours has a pastoral letter, brief description of who we are, and a few freebies (Tabletalk, Modern Reformation, our creeds and confessions).
4. Have a great literature rack/table. Stamp everything with your church's info. Make everything free for visitors.
5. Get the visitors' contact information. If you can, ask permission to add them to the church's email list. I use MailChimp and send out an e-newsletter every week with a brief word from the Pastor, the week's sermon texts/titles, announcements, and prayer requests. If you want to see an example, just go to my Facebook page and look for one.
6. Show hospitality to your visitors. Every Lord's Day, we have a hospitality rotation with a family from our congregation hosting lunch for a few members and any and all visitors in attendance. Have a small typed-out paper with the address, directions, etc.
7. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up! Use phone, email, Facebook, falcon, whatever you have.
8. Most of all, preach the Word in a passionate, engaging, deep, and memorable way. People need to hear the Lord through his Word. Without this, all we have is a social club.