Moses PsalmCII
Puritan Board Freshman
I read Matthew Henry's commentary on 1 Cor 3:15, he said If he have built upon the right foundation wood and hay and stubble, he will suffer loss. His weakness and corruption will be the lessening of his glory, though he may in the general have been an honest and an upright Christian. This part of his work will be lost, turning no way to his advantage, though he himself may be saved. Observe, Those who hold the foundation of Christianity, though they build hay, wood, and stubble, upon it, may be saved. This may help to enlarge our charity. We should not reprobate men for their weakness
John gill says : the sense is, that he shall be tried by the fire of the word, and convinced by the light of it of the errors, irregularities, and inconsistencies of his ministry; either in his time of life and health, or on a death bed; and shall have all his wood, hay, and stubble burnt up, for nothing of this kind shall he carry with him in his judgment to heaven; only the gold, silver, and precious stones; and will find that the latter doctrines, and not the former, will only support him in the views of death and eternity.
Other commentaries seem to imply that once a man has the right foundation, no matter the errors, wrong doctrine or the likes, they would be saved. Does this mean men like Joel Osteen Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn can be saved even in the continous state of preaching wrong doctrines? Got me thinking since I have been very harsh on preachers who teach wrong doctrines, or mishandle the word of God so poorly. I usually think they (including other believers) don't have the holy spirit since they consistently mishandle the word of God whether it's by the prosperity gospel or false prophecies and abuse of the spirit, and the likes. I had taken Paul's stern remarks about those who heap unto themselves false teachers, God sending them a strong delusion damning them in error and many more passages that imply that such people (preachers or believers) are not saved including the anathema in Galatians.
Would love any thoughts. Thanks
John gill says : the sense is, that he shall be tried by the fire of the word, and convinced by the light of it of the errors, irregularities, and inconsistencies of his ministry; either in his time of life and health, or on a death bed; and shall have all his wood, hay, and stubble burnt up, for nothing of this kind shall he carry with him in his judgment to heaven; only the gold, silver, and precious stones; and will find that the latter doctrines, and not the former, will only support him in the views of death and eternity.
Other commentaries seem to imply that once a man has the right foundation, no matter the errors, wrong doctrine or the likes, they would be saved. Does this mean men like Joel Osteen Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn can be saved even in the continous state of preaching wrong doctrines? Got me thinking since I have been very harsh on preachers who teach wrong doctrines, or mishandle the word of God so poorly. I usually think they (including other believers) don't have the holy spirit since they consistently mishandle the word of God whether it's by the prosperity gospel or false prophecies and abuse of the spirit, and the likes. I had taken Paul's stern remarks about those who heap unto themselves false teachers, God sending them a strong delusion damning them in error and many more passages that imply that such people (preachers or believers) are not saved including the anathema in Galatians.
Would love any thoughts. Thanks
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