Has anyone read the EP study commentary on John?


Puritan Board Freshman
Hello all, first time post.

I’m getting resources together to lead my Bible study group through the gospel of John and his epistles next year. Though it’s just a Bible study, part of my responsibility is to give lectures for every four of the lessons, essentially sermons. As such, desiring to do my best work for the Lord, I study diligently as if I were a preaching pastor, because that is essentially my role in this case anyway.

With that as background, I have only recently become aware of both the mentor series and the Ep study commentary series. I have not used any of them yet, but it is my understanding that they are both reformed Commentary series.

But it seems that since they are reformed Commentary series there is less information available on them as to how the quality is.

So in preparing for the study of John I am reading Carson (pillar commentary), Keener, Ridderbos, Morris (NICNT), Kruse (Tyndale), and Klink (ZECNT). I am considering also purchasing the EP study commentary on John. Is this a worthwhile resource for me to purchase? Have any of you had any experience with it?
If I could only suggest one commentary for someone leading a bible study on John, it would be the EP commentary because it is in-depth but not too technical with application.

But this is different since you have so many resources on John! The advantage of the EP against what you have is some application sections.
So in preparing for the study of John I am reading Carson (pillar commentary), Keener, Ridderbos, Morris (NICNT), Kruse (Tyndale), and Klink (ZECNT).

Hi, Jacob (Good name, Jacob),

Perhaps because Richard Lenski was a Lutheran scholar, not too many of the Reformed are familiar with his commentaries.
As a sample, I made a PDF of his Interpretation of John, chapters 13-17.

Rather than trying to persuade you to give him a try, I will only say this.
I am now 71 years old, and Lenski is my favorite on the Gospels–hands down.
So please read at least some of the extracted chapters and "come and see."

Finally, since you must be spending loads of money on books, if you like what you see, message me, and I will have a copy of his entire work on John delivered to you as my gift to you.

The fill is too big to attach, so here's a Dropbox link to download the PDF.
Oh, one more thing. Pardon my highlights–they came through on the file.

George Hutcheson's commentary on John's gospel is really a staple, would highly recommend.

‘Excellent; beyond all praise. It is a full-stored treasury of sound theology, holy thought, and marrowy doctrine.’ – Spurgeon

David Brown's commentary is also very excellent.

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Keddie is always worth purchasing. Of the major volumes besides this that I would recommend, I would point out the newer NICNT volume by Michaels. Get Keddie over Michaels, though.
Keddie is always worth purchasing. Of the major volumes besides this that I would recommend, I would point out the newer NICNT volume by Michaels. Get Keddie over Michaels, though.
I actually haven’t purchased Ridderbos yet, though I was planning on using it. Would you say Keddie is better than Ridderbos?
I actually haven’t purchased Ridderbos yet, though I was planning on using it. Would you say Keddie is better than Ridderbos?
They both have excellent points to make, and I wouldn't want to be without either. Get Keddie over Ridderbos, though. Ridderbos flies very high, theologically, whereas Keddie is much more down to earth.