Gillespie on Christ's Mediatorial Kingdom: the Church

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Travis Fentiman

Puritan Board Sophomore
Is Christ’s Kingdom as the Mediator the Church only, or does it include all things?

George Gillespie, the Westminster divine and Scottish covenanter has the most in-depth writings on the view that Christ’s Mediatorial Kingdom is the Church only.

Many are unaware of Gillespie's extended arguments on this subject, probably due (amongst other reasons) to their inaccessibility. Hence Gillespie has often been misunderstood and misrepresented. The Reformed Presbyterians, as a family of denominations, officially take the opposite viewpoint from Gillespie.

Whether one agrees with Gillespie or not, this document in contemporary format with explanatory notes will be invaluable to becoming familiar with Gillespie's thought on the topic.

As a bonus, these writings of Gillespie are also the classic delineation of the Establishment Principle, the Biblical relation between Church and State.

May this document be a rich and helpful resource to you in further searching out the things of God and Biblical doctrine.

Thanks for this work Travis. My only (and minor) suggestion would be to footnote the Gillespie source documents more fully as far as where the cited text comes from, where you use Hetherington's 19th century text, or using a early (first?) edition. At least my look through it wasn't immediately clear if you did so.
My only (and minor) suggestion would be to footnote the Gillespie source documents more fully as far as where the cited text comes from, where you use Hetherington's 19th century text, or using a early (first?) edition.

You are very welcome Chris. Thank you for the suggestion, which I will act upon when I eventually revise the paper with a more full Introduction.

As it is, I used the 1800's online editions of Aaron's Rod and material in the Presbyterian's Armoury. Though, most of the document is my own summary outlines of those editions (of Aaron's Rod and 101 Propositions).

The only thing that is actually Gillespie's own exact words are the excerpts of his sermons. The first footnote in the Introduction (I was cramped for space to put it somewhere convenient) mentions that this document is intended to be a contemporary, slightly updated edition of Gillespie's writings. Most of the light editorial changes involved minor punctuation, updated spelling, updating some very awkward grammar, formatting, etc.

Throughout the document are links to the pages in Gillespie where one can read Gillespie firsthand from the 1800's editions (and an EEBO edition of 101 Propositions).

I very much appreciate your efforts in making critical editions. One purpose of my website is to put things into contemporary editions that are, above all, readable, which, for whatever one loses, one gains an emphasis, I think, on the theological matter itself, it being more comprehensible.

Blessings to you brother.
Excellent use of your time, Travis!

Thanks Josh! I am glad for someone else to confirm this to me. This kind of encouragement is what gets more resources made available on the net.

I am working on editing the writings of Rutherford on the topic now. We'll see if I can finish it in a month or two.
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