Francis Makemie

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Puritanboard Librarian
Francis Makemie (1658 - 1708) is known as the "father of American Presbyterianism."

It was said of him that "He is a jack-at-all-trades; he is a preacher, a doctor of physic, a merchant, a counselor at law, and which is worst of all, a disturber of governments." -- Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York.

Francis Makemie statue, Accomack County, Virginia:

Dr. D. G. Hart has written "Francis Makemie and the Meaning of American Presbyterianism" which appears in The Confessional Presbyterian journal volume 2 (2006) shortly to appear, DV. I should get advanced copies this week.

[Edited on 6-12-2006 by NaphtaliPress]
One of Francis Makemie's writings was a Catechism (discussed briefly in William Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit and L.P. Bowen's The Days of Makemie, among other places) which was apparently a "compendium of the Westminster Standards to be used in training children in the Reformed Faith." It was the subject of an attack by George Keith, a Quaker/Anglican, and Francis Makemie published a defense of his Catechism, which is found in The Life and Writings of Francis Makemie ed. by Boyd S. Schlenther. Apparently the Catechism itself did not survive, which is greatly to be lamented.

[Edited on 8-5-2006 by VirginiaHuguenot]
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