English Reformation

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Puritan Board Freshman
I am looking for a good single volume history of the English Reformation for an advanced reading group I am in. Hetherington was a good start, but he was more narrowly concerned with the Westminster Assembly.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

the only one I can think of is:
Voices of the English Reformation: A Sourcebook
By: John N. King
University of Pennsylvania Press / 2004
In terms of modern studies, Dickens' "English Reformation" is excellent and renowned. Those who enjoy the romantic style of the 19th century will find Daubigne's account rewarding. The section on the English Reformation was published by Banner of Truth as an independent set. The classical style of M'Crie is excellent in his Annals of English Presbytery. It provides the roots of English Christianity before the Reformation and traces the effects of the Reformation through the Puritan movement, as well as the post-Puritan history of the Presbyterian movement in England.
The only book I am familiar with is a biographical one by J. C. Ryle. It is out of print and hard to find now. But it is an excellent book.

Amazon.com: Light From Old Times (Complete Works of J.C. Ryle) (9780967760308): John Charles Ryle, Douglas Wilson, J. C. Liverpool: Books

Light From Old Times

1. John Wycliffe
2. Why Were Our Reformers Burned?
3. John Rogers: Martyr
4. John Hooper: Bishop and Martyr
5. Rowland Taylor: Martyr
6. Hugh Latimer: Bishop and Martyr
7. John Bradford: Martyr
8. Nicholas Ridley: Bishop and Martyr
9. Samuel Ward
10. Archbishop Laud and His Times
11. Richard Baxter
12. William Gurnall
13. James II and the Seven Bishops
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