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Puritanboard Librarian
Eisenach, Germany is a town remarkable for the historical providences that brought both Martin Luther and J.S. Bach to make this place thier home. Martin Luther grew up and studied here. Later he took refuge in the nearby Wartbug Castle where he translated the Bible in to German. The Lutherhaus Museum and the Castle Wartburg are too remarkable opportunities to experience the heritage the most famous German Reformer.

Also nearby is the Bachhaus Museum, where Bach was born, on March 21, 1685. It is an enchanting place to visit. Bach later attend the same school that Luther had a century before.

For those inclined to visit this amazing little town and explore its Reformation heritage, for more info see this website.
The Breithaupts were from Eisenach. One of my ancestors was mayor of the town at one point (some time in the 1500-1600s).

Thanks for the info!

[Edited on 3-21-2005 by Ex Nihilo]
That's cool, Evie! Perhaps your ancestors knew the Luthers or the Bachs. I enjoyed visiting that town very much on my tour of Germany. It's a special place.
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