Ebenezer Erskine: God will avenge the blood of the Covenanter martyrs

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints;” and he will make inquisition for the blood of his saints that has been shed like water in our streets. Sirs, much of this blood was shed in the times of persecuting tyranny, particularly in this city [Edinburgh]. That blood, I say, hath not been purged; yea, the guilt of it calls for wrath upon us their sinful posterity.

There was no due inquiry after it, when the Lord turned back our captivity after the Revolution; yea, instead of that, men who had dipt their hands in the blood of his saints were put into places and posts both civil and military; yea, I will add, that they were admitted to sit as constituent members in the supreme judicatories of this church.

We have reason to believe, that he will inquire after that blood; for he “visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, to the third and fourth generation.” It is crying yet from under the altar against many families in Scotland; and I fear it has a loud cry against this city, where it was shed in great abundance. ...

For the reference, see Ebenezer Erskine: God will avenge the blood of the Covenanter martyrs.