Travis Fentiman

Puritan Board Sophomore
We live in extraordinary times. In the benevolent provision of God I have been able to collect a collection of more than 575 bible commentaries from early and medieval Church figures in English, around 64% of which are fully available online for free:

When RBO was started about 9 years ago, around a fifth of this was available.

The webpage is nearly endless in how far it allows you to search into the fathers on Scripture. The page includes the latest and most comprenseive online indices of quotes on Scripture by the fathers, as well as nearly exhaustive, standard, scholarly works: (1) referring to further commentaries in Latin, and (2) providing the fathers’ citations of Scripture, at a few clicks of the button.

Persons and scholars with interest in Scriptural commentary, or the early and Medieval Christians, and everyone in between, will be elated. Share it with your interested friends and make them happy.

“I am the Lord thy God… open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.”

Ps. 81:10​
Thank you for sharing this resource. Those of us who recommend resources to others, and use them ourselves will greatly benefit from your work. Thanks again for sharing!