I missed church twice the past couple months and chose to listen to a L-J sermon. I really enjoyed them and appreciate all the links here. I also listened to some while going for a walk. I had read the two part Iain Murray bio and read some of his work, but rarely listened to sermons.
Four were from the Depression series and I went back and listened to two of them twice. Its funny- I am not depressed and miserable or discouraged as he puts it, and depression has never been my problem, but I got so very much out of them. And I kept thinking that as I get older and decay sets more into my mortal body and people I love die, these will probably be a wonderful encouragement one day to listen to again in a sad time.
I went to the main MLJ Trust site and thought about the attributes of God series, but decided to listen to some of the Christology. Today was "Christ the Victor". So edifying.
Thank again for the links, I sure hope the internet stays up!!!