Of course a minister of the word should have a special education suited to that calling, but take a look at how ridiculously high the price of seminary is
I have known many great pastors who have not gone through seminary, thankfully in Presbyterian circles we have the session test and determine who takes office, we do not just arbitrarily pick even those who do have degrees.
I think academic training is very important but not to the point where we are will to be DEBT(Romans:Owe no man ANYTHING) to get it, now with the internet there are many ways to gain knowledge for free and it bugs me more than anything that places like TNARS.net are ignored.
TNARS(our own Larry Bray is the President) has a GREAT educational program, I would argue in the top 3 seminaries at least, and it is completely free!!! If only Reformed denominations would stop ignoring the serious state of DEBT that seminaries force on a person and pay more attention to Reformed Institutions such as TNARS we would have a more biblical model of men in the church teaching men for the church, using TNARS material, I think it'd be good for all here to read TNARS goals and vision.
Why should God's called ministers miss out on Reformed education just because of the cost of seminaries these days!!!